I do not think it heavy responsibility "


President Moon Jae-in is back at the water purification facility after finishing the

President Moon Jae-in is back at the water purification facility after completing the "Saemangeum Renewable Energy Vision Statement Ceremony" which is held on May 30 at the Suwon site in Yusuji-gun, Gunsan, Jeonbuk. From left to right, Moon Jae-in, Song Hae-jin, Governor of Jeonbuk Province, Sung Yun-mo, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Kim Hyun-mi, Minister of Land Transport and Tourism (left picture), Moon the same day. [청와대사진기자단, 연합뉴스]

President Moon Jae-in said on October 30: "The difficulties of the Korean economy should start with saving the local economy."

During a luncheon with local businessmen, Moon said, "Jeonbuk has brought me the highest support in the last presidential election, and I continue to do so. I feel uncomfortable if I meet a businessman who is having difficulty expressing greater gratitude. " A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said: President Moon said, "Governor Song Haejin and Gunsan Mayor Kang Yim-joon introduce me and feel the heavy responsibility of saying that he is a friend Jeonbuk Mun Jae – in. I will make the price of a friend.

President Lee said, "Although there are many difficult economic areas, Gunsan is the most difficult region." The whole country is getting harder and harder because Gunsan is difficult, "he said. he said. "There are structural factors and reasons that have been explaining the situation for a long time.

Meanwhile, "Kunsan suffers from a catastrophic difficulty in closing GM for worse reasons after the shipyard." The ratio of the two companies is 25 ~ 26% and the sector of the services related to suppliers becomes more difficult. "He said." My country of origin, Geoje and Tongyeong, also collapsed and the local economy collapsed and was devastated. "

"I will not leave that to an industry or a specific area that will have difficulties in the end," Moon said. "I should share and share the pain."

President Moon said, "Korea has a strong core endurance as a whole and expects to record a record $ 600 billion this year." Jeonbuk ㆍ Gunsan and the central government will meet and promise to do well, "he said.

In addition, President Moon visited the bakery after the Saemangeum event. "We came back in four years.I had a meeting at this place," said Kim's spokesman, after buying the greeting, the bakery owner bought the bread worth 37,000 euros, such as red bean bread and vegetable bread, as Gunsan's favorite gift certificate.

Han Young Hye reporter [email protected]

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