I do not think so "


Oh Se-hoon, former mayor of Seoul. Kim Sang Sun

Oh Se-hoon, former mayor of Seoul. Kim Sang Sun

The former mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-hoon, has announced the possibility of entering the Korean Free Government, YTN reported on 27th.

According to reports, the mayor told reporters that he had met before the special conference of Chung-Ang University that day: "I have not set a date but I think I will soon have to join the free Korean government. "

"I have not decided completely yet," he said. "There is something to worry about because the rules of the convention and the system of leadership have not yet been decided," the media said.

Mr. Oh said: "Many intellectuals criticize the side effects caused by the vision and direction of government policy," adding, "We joined the seminar for a firm demand for the government. acceptance of criticism. "

He added: "The government needs to revise its own justice and fleeing economy in order to gain a sense of conservative unification," the media said.

On May 26, Mr. Oh said: "Mr. Moon Jae-in urges him to give up his economic policy experience that considers the lower-income group as a laboratory rat" via his Facebook page.

"The obsession with" candlelight vigilance "seems to mobilize hasty and radical means, he said in a Facebook article." It was a cry of the industrial scene that we could not prepare for the reduction of working hours, including the system of flexible workers. "If the KCTU did not anticipate the opposition, it would be incompetent and if she knew it would be irresponsible."

Lee Min-jung, reporter [email protected]

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