I do not think so. 40 million won for each parent


  The bereaved family members of the Seewal Family Council hold a press conference after winning the first sentence of the claim against the state and Chunhaejin Shipping on the 19th law of the central district of Seoul. [뉴시스]

The bereaved family members of the Seewal Family Council hold press conferences after winning the first state-backed conviction and Chunhaejin Shipping on the 19th Central District Law of Seoul. [뉴시스]

Meanwhile, the court sentenced Captain Sekwondo, the seafarer and the Mokpo 123 seaport police officers who had been involved in the construction of Seowol during the criminal trial. On June 19, the decision of the 30th Division of the Seoul Metropolitan District Civil Court recognized civil liability for damages on this basis.

The court said: "Just like the criminal case, we believe that this accident occurred in Chong Haejin Shipping, Korea, and to HaeKyung's negligence in our civilization," he said. Chung Hae Jin, member of the shipping company. Captain and crew of Seowall asked pbadengers to wait aboard, then they were exiled first, the captain did not take steps to protect life and safety of the population, I did not do my duty. "

However, it was not the fault of the state that the Coastal Traffic Control Center did not control, that the relief headquarters were inadequate, that the crews of the ship were not in control. The aircraft did not enter the ship and the National Disaster Control Tower.The court ruled that "this can not be considered illegal and can not be attributed to the death of the victims".

Lawyer Kim Doo Hyung, who led the lawsuit as the legal representative of the families, said: "The decision also acknowledged the failure of the government to fulfill its obligation to protect the life and security of the people. It is unfortunate that the government has not recognized the illegal activities of the state. "
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The amount of compensation to the victims If I were not dead, I would earn the most income after becoming an adult.

The court said, "Most of the victims were high school students." They calculated that they would have could earn the income of ordinary citizens in urban areas up to the age of 60. It ranges from 370,000 to 380 million won according to birthday and bad. Three years ago, the unit price was raised to 50 million won more than the amount paid by the Compensation and Compensation and Compensation Committee (4).

The thing that differs most from the content paid by the board of vessels and compensation is alimony. The government paid only 100 million won, including the victims' alimony and family allowance. The court ruled that the victim should pay 200 million won as a victim and pay a separate family subsidy. Recently, the amount of allowance for a major accident of the disaster determined by the court through various searches is 200 million won.

The court declared that he considered that "it seems that 200 million won from the national fund were paid to 300 families of 304 victims". Kim said, "It is difficult to convince the government that the responsibility is not reduced because people have received voluntary donations from the people." National donations are the money that has been raised by fundraising groups such as the Social Welfare Community Chest.

The families who initiated the lawsuit filed a lawsuit in September of this year without receiving compensation from the Boeing and Compensation Commission in 2015 and 470 million won (according to the standards of the students and students). students). The bereaved families said: "It has not been revealed that the 526 days have pbaded since the disaster.

The special envoy did not do any activity, but two days ago he has adopted the task of investigation and it is unclear whether he can investigate properly. "We have decided to expose ourselves to government and business through claims, including specific illegal acts."

According to the sentence, the government and Chung Hae Jin Shipping badume joint responsibility.The bereaved family members of the plaintiffs can receive the amount set by the court on each side.The court said that even if the government or Chunhaejin Shipping appealed, the amount of the specified amount could be used by the bereaved families.The dispute over the government and on Chung Haejin's responsibility with regard to shipping is made through D & D A separate solicitation of claims.

Moon, Hyun-kyung, Moon, Hoon,
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