I do not think so "Everything else is controversial" vs. "It's uncomfortable to see"


[매일경제 스타투데이 이우주 인턴기자]

While Sulli's noble photography on the FOX X group was also the subject of a debate, there was a struggle between the netizens.

Sullivan has published several photos during his last two days, as well as his article "Winter is coming!" Through his instagram.

In the public photo, Sully is lying on the ground, wearing a high fitted top. It's a regular photo everyday, as usual, but some netizens raised the controversy "nobras" saying that Sully was not wearing a bra.

Sullivan has been involved in the controversy many times since last year.

Among the pictures of Sulli SNS, images that do not wear bra have always been a hot topic, and there has been controversy among Internet users in response to "I must wear them" and "I am an idol girl" ".

The day Sully's noble dress became a topic on the agenda, there was a fight between the netizens.

Netizens said: "You must wear a woman." Discomfort, "" is concerned about the problem of the nobility "," Europe does not care about anyone, even if it is very noble "," discourages the woman d & rsquo; To be a bra. "" I am very close, "" I care about everything.

I do not think it's a fact "" "I do not think I should have bragged because I usually think about it." "Noble is easy, but I have great courage."

On the other hand, some netizens say "why do you elevate them," "why do you take these pictures," "why do you wear knits like that," "do not worry if you wear a bra," he said. It was pointed out that uploading photos to SNS was not understandable.

Sully is currently participating in her first solo reality show, The Truth Store. "Truth Store" is a program that asks Sully to challenge the CEO and open a pop-up store that reflects his tastes and communicate with each other.

[email protected]

Photo | Sully SNS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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