I do not think so. Hong Joon-pyo "Is the right going to the end?


  Former president of the free Korean party Hong Joon Pyo. [연합뉴스]

Former president of the Korean Free Party Hong Joon Pyo. [연합뉴스]

The statement of former South Korean Chief Justice Hong Joon-pyo on the death of a deputy, Roh, is provoking more and more controversy. When the Department of Justice declared that Hong's remarks were "imperative", he reiterated, "Is the right wing an end?

Hong resigned from his position after a local election victory and stayed in the United States, but on the morning of December 29, he said, "If you make a mistake, you must accept the corresponding punishment. "In any case, the world in which suicide is not a normal society is not a normal society."

The right-wing party spokesman, Choi Seok, immediately criticized "Hong, who left many words of imposition, put one more word on the last visit of a politician, a politician,

Mr. Hong said, "Even if I say the same thing, I have become a strange world where the leftists bless him as a chivalrous man, and the rightists condemn him as an impermanence. "It becomes a republic of Goebbels," he said.

On the other hand, in the progressive camp, he left a voice in Hong's remarks.

A spokesman for Kim Hyun of the Democratic Party said, "I am afraid that Mr. Hong is so forgotten." Hong, who practices anti-crime marketing in other countries, should take care of itself. "A spokeswoman for Park Kyung-mi said," Please, write your journal in a newspaper. "" Even though it's hard to be a person, do not become a monster.

Democrat Park Jae Min also said, "Do those who remember Mr. Noh now embellish suicide?" He asked, "What do you think of President Hong before? I remember that's really.

Representative Park Ji-won of the Democratic Peace Park said, "One of our longstanding virtues is the virtue of the dead.Nobody has a beautiful nation in the tragedy of the senator." that he will treat you with a smile on his face, "he said.

The Taste Columnist, Hwang Jae-kee, replied:" I have not seen anyone wrapping the beautiful Noh's suicide. "Many people have mercy on his death," he said, "it is the appearance of the Hong Kong representative that he admires his political life as a" suicide embellishment ", even if he was accused or soldier, his mourning atmosphere would be the same.I saw him.In the meantime, "Mr. Hong is a very sad person in life herself. Nevertheless, please continue to live well and for a long time, "he added.

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