I do not think so. Lee, Chan-chan


  The Democratic Party in Power ...

The contours of the party structure of the Democratic Party slowly show its outlines.

Although Kim Bum-gu, the Minister of Public Administration and Security, and Lee Hae-chan,

Representative Kim Jin-pyo of the 4th Grand National Assembly held a conference of press in the hall of the National Assembly on the 15th and officially declared his candidacy for the presidential contest.

Kim Seung-won, former chairman of the Advisory and Planning Committee of the National Assembly, said: "We need economic decisions that lead the economic parties competent for the success of the Moon Jae-in government.

Candidates officially declared candidates for the presidential election

Rep. Park Bum-gyu makes his first race on May 4th.


The former Rep. Lee posted on Facebook, saying, "As I am in direct control of the party, and I am concerned about unnecessary controversy, I am convinced that the Party of Innovation

When Kim Seon-won and former member of the National Assembly are summarized, the so-called "pro-rhetoric"

Representative Choi Jae-sung (4 members), who discussed the issue of unification with Kim and d & # 39; 39, other members of the National Assembly, said: "I have already said that I would do a glorious competition with my elders. "

In the perspective of the National Assembly and the second half of the 20th National Assembly,

However, it is said that Choi, who had two options of President Roh Moo's administration -hyun, has already decided to challenge the party and decided not to serve as president of the presidential leadership.

The fact that Lee is a candidate or not is considered one of the biggest variables of the presidential election.

On October 13, Lee met with more than 10 members of the National Assembly in the provinces of Daejeon, Chungnam and Chungbuk to discuss the issue,

He was reported that he did not mention the issue of the ruling party.

In order to make the Democratic Party a 100-year party through the recent Facebook campaign, equity and the insight

It is reported that Song Yeong-gil, a member of the 4th line who has gone to North Korea as chairman of the Northern Economic Cooperation Committee, will also hold a press conference on the 17th.

17th, after the last 10 days, Lee In-young, member of the National Solidarity of the Democratic Peoples, will discuss the unification plan,

Contrary to the presidential election, which is gradually warming up, there are numerous evaluations according to which the election of the members of the Supreme Council is not enough last year.

Yoo Seung-hee, re-elected MP, Jeon Hyun-hee, re-elected MP, Kim Jong-min, Kim Hae-young, Kim Hyun-kwon, Park Jeong and Park Chung-min.

Rep. A min-seok of the 4th line is supposed to choose the chairman of the planning and finance committee in the second half instead of running for the top committee, and the re-elected Yoon Eun-hye would be closed.

On the other hand, the Korea Society Opinion Research Institute (KSOI) announced on the 13th and 14th that the Democratic Party of Korea (DPJ) Kim Bum-gyu takes first place with 11.6%, followed by Park Yeong-seon (9.7%), Lee Hae-chan (8.0%) and Park Bum-gyu (5.4%).

(Yonhap News)

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