"I hid in the back for the rest of my life … excuse me" – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.11.29 14:11
| Revision 2018.11.29 14:28

"We have been tortured and weeping for years, but it is so unfortunate that we have not been able to tell our children and we have lived all our lives.

On the 29th, at 11 am, just after the Supreme Court ruling, the company should compensate those forced to work by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries during the Japanese colonial regime. Kim Sung-ju (90), who had been drawn into the "working clbad" during Japanese colonial rule, said at a press conference close to the court. Kim, who is in Grade 9, said "Thank you" and "Thank you" 10 times. As a disease during forced labor, Kim struggled to talk for a long time. I took a moment and said a word.

Victims of the forced mobilization of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Gosseo Jung, victim of the forced mobilization before the Supreme Court of Seoul,

Four victims, including Kim, were mobilized to the Mitsubishi Logistics Factory in 1944, stunned by the words: "If they go to Japan, they can go to higher education and earn money." # 39; money. " I was mobilized by a difficult day, but I did not receive a penny. Victims reported that the history of the study was more lively than they could have been. Once released, I had to undergo a cold eye again. This is because the party confused with the victim of the Japanese comfort woman was cold.

"I do not know where to go," she says, "I do not know where to go," she said. When it rains, I'm afraid of who will follow. "Kim said.

In March 1999, Kim's victims and others sued the Japanese government and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in a Japanese court. However, in November 2008, the Supreme Court of Japan lost.

After that, he again filed a lawsuit in the Korean court in 2012. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Construction decided to pay a total of 680 million won, including 150 million won for four victims and 80 million won for a survivor. The court of appeal also acknowledged the liability of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in compensation matters. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd. should pay 100 million won and 150 million won, respectively. It has been 19 years since I filed a complaint.

A press conference was held on the Supreme Court's decision on damages against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, victim of forced labor mobilization in Japan, at the Seocho-gu Prosecutor's Office in Seoul on March 29. / Han Dong-hee

The only victim of forced labor who attended the press conference was Kim. The decision was delayed almost 20 years and some of them were killed and the rest of them were in poor health.

"The Mitsubishi party has negotiated 17 times with the Mitsubishi party to get compensation, but could not progress by reiterating the attitude of silence" At the same time, the third country is also looking for a way to enforce the law, "he said.

Victim support organizations emphasized that the government should play a role in victim compensation. According to the joint statement, "the government has returned the victims because their trial is a private matter," he said.

A support group official said: "The victims of forced labor in China and the United States have received apologies and reparations from Japan under a preliminary ruling." "It's the attitude of the government that makes the difference when the same judgment is made," he said.

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