"I want to know" Side "plum adherent, the body is good" [간밤TV] – Sports trend


<그것이 알고 싶다> The production team scientifically verifies the suspicion of the death of the former president of the group SEMO

In the current program SBS <그것이 알고 싶다> aired the last 14 months, the last 5 days and the last puzzler –

  SBS Screen Capture

SBS Screen Capture

On June 12, 2014, an unidentified deceased person was found in Suncheon prune fields, in the province of Jeonnam. According to the results of the survey conducted by the National Institute of Scientific Research, the body of ex-president Yu Byeong-eun found himself outside the responsibility of "l & rsquo; Seowall case ".

Even though it was early in the summer, the deceased was wearing a winter sweater. Next to it was a cloth bag with a bottle. A spokesman for the Christian Evangelical Baptist Church (Hi) said: "The former president does not drink regularly.The body is a homeless person, not a former president." There was also a Debate as to whether it could be corrupted if only the bone remained within 18 days of death.

<그것이 알고 싶다> The crew badyzed the growth rate of flies and maggots taken from the body and verified the whitening process. In an environment similar to that of the time, the pigs' bodies broke down in just ten days. Experts at the Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee also said that they "probably died between 11 pm on May 28 and 5 am on June 11".

Although he raised the possibility that he had put his life on the fact that he was lying flat, the salvation brethren who watched him close to his life , said, "I will never commit suicide.

After someone killed him, there was a suspicion that he was not a member of the plum field. However, it was difficult to find traces of poisoning such as a poison in the body. Dr. Jung-yung Woon, MD, Ph.D., professor of biology at Middle Tennessee State University, said, "Bones contain a lot of information.

<그것이 알고 싶다> The crew sought rescue believers to confirm whether or not the ashes of former president Yoo Byung-yun had been cremated. They said, "There are a lot of people who think that Yu is still alive, so I could someday dig up the grave and do a DNA test."

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