I will pay tribute to punk … Government without measures – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.11.28 03:23

Only 5 days remain in the budget process and only 490.6 billion won in the budget.
Two days of judgment of the opposition

The budget for the next year, 470 trillion won (December 2), has been on the road for five days, but the revision of the budget of the ruling parties and the opposition took place the following day. from yesterday. "The government has to generate 4 trillion won of revenue because of the reduction of taxes on gasoline, etc. The government is trying to suppress the budget because the tax revenues are insufficient and the budget of the credits can not to be reduced, "he said. . In addition, the Democratic Party has demanded that "the opposition party return to the budget revision and that it will be resolved when it is discussed". Until now, the budget review accounted for only about 60% of the total.

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Chung Jae-won (second from left), a Korean expert on the decision of the ruling party made on 27 November by the preliminary committee of the National Assembly, On the left, Deputy Minister Kim Yong-jin, vice-president President, Ahn Sangsoo, chairman of the selection committee, vice chairman of the Democratic Party and Lee Hye-hoon. / Journalist Lee, Duk-hoon

Ahn Sang-soo, chairman of the party of the Korean party, called the three main party advisers and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance in the morning to discuss the "4 trillion won deficit". After submitting the budget to the National Assembly last September, the government announced measures to reduce the fuel tax and strengthen local finances. As a result, the deficit amounted to 4 trillion won due to the loss of W 1.1 trillion and $ 1.9 trillion in tax revenue next year. The opposition party has called for measures against the shortfall in tax revenue, but the information department has not been able to offer an alternative so far.

Kim Seong-tae, a member of the ruling National Grand Party (PNB), criticized the government, saying, "After the government seized the cows (4 trillion won)" and takes no action. "The government is trying to transfer the burden of borrowing to the National Assembly," said the same secretary of the board of directors. The Korean government has asked the Cabinet meeting to propose measures such as the preparation of a revised budget. The government was in charge of the government until the end.

The report drew a sheet of A4 paper for the benefit of opposition lawmakers. "It has been reported that 161 cases and 490.6 billion won were reduced in the course of the four days of the so-called" adjustment of the budget bill. "However, the opposition party fought back even stronger. stating that "4 trillion won is a flat tire but that it is not necessary to reduce it to 500 billion won".

"When the budget of the National Assembly is reduced by 4,500 billion won, it is the procedure for launching the review of increases." But suddenly, when the government asks for 4 trillion won, where did you cut the trillion? Lee Hye-hoon, a legislator of the ruling Uri party, said: "The government should bring back the total amount of debt to be reduced.

Hong Young-pyo, leader of the Democratic Party, said: "The ruling party has made a lot of concessions but will not give up any more." "The problem of the 4 trillion won deficit is a problem that the ruling parties and the opposition can fully discuss." The KCTU minister said: "It seems we will not be eating a single rice cake, but we have not much to do about the plan to link the electoral law and the project. budget bill "proposed by the Democratic Party of Peace. An official of the Democratic Party said: "The opposition party seems to want to reduce the budget allocated to inter-Korean economic cooperation, income-led growth and social badistance, creating a deficit of 4 trillion won. " But "Moon Jae-in can not touch the central budget of the government".

Han Byung-soo, chief of staff of Cheong Wa Dae, went to the National Assembly to discuss the issue with the ruling party leader, Uri, and the government. Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy, said: "In the framework of the decentralization of local government and people's politics, the opposition party can understand the problem."

Inside and outside the National Assembly, the concern is that "the opposition of the ruling parties and the opposition may cancel the legal deadline ". According to the law on the progress of the National Assembly, if the ruling party does not reach an agreement on the budget, he is in favor of negotiations because the government will automatically propose the bill on 2 December in plenary. However, the Democratic Party (129 seats) alone can not vote. The Democratic Party of Korea (14 seats) opposes the "four-member budget deficit bill" and the Korean Democratic Party (DPJ).

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