ICar vs vs online vs. offline … Reducing costs of competing telecommunications – Asian Economy


Instead of the government, a law of final self-sufficiency
Activation strand of the self-powered handset circulation
You can buy phones made by yourself anytime and anywhere
"Reduced communication costs due to competition between distribution channels"

ICar vs vs online vs offline ... Telecom costs fall in competition

[아시아경제 김동표 기자] The terminal self-sufficiency system has been virtually eliminated once again. Instead of fully self-financing, the government has adopted the following policy: "expand the distribution of self-service handsets", which has the same effect. Here the carrier, the manufacturer and the distribution network agree. According to one evaluation, this is a rational conclusion that takes into account the uncertain effects on policies and the side effects of self-sufficiency.

A fully autonomous terminal system consists of separating the purchase of a terminal and the subscription of a communication service. Currently, most handsets are bundled with a telecommunication service in the network of the operator (distributor / retailer).

In this process, subsidies worth W 4 trillion per year are injected into the distribution network and sales of high-priced handsets and high-price subscriptions are introduced. It is emphasized that the burden of telecommunication costs does not decrease and that it is necessary to set up the terminal self-sufficiency system.

ICar vs vs online vs offline ... Telecom costs fall in competition

◆ Government, self-sufficiency … Reduce telecommunication costs through infinite competition
Young-min, Minister of Information Technology at the Ministry of Science and Technology, attended the inspection of the Commission on Science, Technology, Information and Technology. Broadcasting of the National Assembly on August 26. He said: "I do not badume that the system will be fully autonomous, he said.

To this end, the government plans to provide all handsets sold by mobile operators to the self-supply market. It has also decided to expand its sales network to obtain self-service terminals anytime, anywhere. At the moment, some self-service handsets are on the market, but consumers are still in touch. There is also a problem of low number of self-service terminal models.

The second deputy minister of the Ministry of Information and Communication, Kwon Ki-ki, said: "We will create an environment providing equipment that is not supplied in the terminal and telecommunications market. self-supply, which are provided solely from the distribution network, to all markets "

"If consumers do not have to go to the distribution network and create an environment that allows them to buy the same device anywhere online or offline, there will be competition (between the distribution channels). ) I think it will work. "If there are more stores that consumers can visit, it will be price competition between stores.

This directive is also shared by manufacturers, mobile operators and distribution networks. "If we can help the government and consumers, we will increase the proportion of autonomous Zeppone," said Kim Dong-jin, general manager of Samsung's instant messaging division.

SK Telecom has reaffirmed its favorable position on the system of self-sufficiency. Park Jung-ho, chairman of the company, said: "The handset price is expected to reach 2 million won," he said.

ICar vs vs online vs offline ... Telecom costs fall in competition

◆ "Policy of expansion of self-sufficiency welcome" … Report of the manifestation of self-racism
After observing the national consensus of the day, the Federation of Korean Trade Unions of the National Mobile Communications Association, which was to organize a demonstration against the fully autonomous training, said: "It seems that the provision for self-sufficiency is temporarily suspended, "he said.

When the legislation guarantees complete autonomy, more than 30,000 mobile phone stores must only sell handsets or subscription services. The decrease in sales is inevitable. The retail sector is strongly opposed to total self-sufficiency, claiming that it was a "destruction of the distribution network" policy.

Kim Kyung-jin, of the Democratic Peace Park, said: "The biggest problem with the self-sufficiency system is the re-employment measures for forced staff in restructuring, and I do not think there is real solution for this staff. " The cautious attitude of the government seems desirable. "

"If we suddenly think that it is dangerous to achieve 100% self-sufficiency, and if we can afford to buy self-service phones anywhere and any create a model of what we want, we will go to complete self-sufficiency I think I can. "

<img src = "http://cphoto.asiae.co.kr/listimglink/1/2018102718332581991_1540632803.jpg" alt =<자료: 스트래티지 애널리틱스(2016년 기준)>“/>

◆ Market self-sufficiency The Korean market is … D a two-digit number
Self-sufficiency has always been poised to reduce household telecom costs, which was the same as last year. Last year, at the National Assembly, a large-scale self-help system was launched. Since then, the "Household Communication Cost Policy Council" met last November and its activities ended in February this year when the government, telecommunications companies, manufacturers, citizens and the distribution networks face each other.

It is concluded that legalization is difficult here. Nevertheless, the company has developed its self-service handsets, expanded its in-flight pricing plans and offset the price gap between self-service operators and mobile operators. The Galaxy S9 was the first flagship model to be released as an autonomous system. LG Electronics has also launched the standalone model "LG G7".

As a result, the self-sufficiency rate in the domestic handset market, which was one digit, would have exceeded 10% recently. The self-sufficiency rate should be higher when all terminals will be released at zero self-sufficiency and in an environment where self-service terminals can be purchased via any channel of distribution.

Reporter Kim Dong-pyo [email protected]

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