Idol threatened with murder … Twice the singer


  Twice. [일간스포츠]

Twice. [일간스포츠]

The popularity of K pops is rising, and there are side effects such as members of the idol group threatened to be killed at home and abroad. Twice the terrorist guilty of a terrorist attack was known late to the police, but Eik Pink, a bullet boycott agent, is still under investigation.

According to the agency JYP Entertainment of 17 Tweed, a man was arrested in the early 1920s after receiving a complaint against a singer at the Gangnam Police Station last July. The police arrested the author and treated the recruits in accordance with the law.

Last July, the online community "Best of the day" issued a threatening message to spray Twice with hydrochloric acid. In addition, he threatened to kill Mina twice member by raising an image of a knife with a threat message.

 A rose. [일간스포츠]

This rose. [일간스포츠]

It was reported that the master singer who had called for the installation of explosives in the event that A Pink appeared ended up with only the procedure of arrest.

According to the World Daily, police conducted a survey of Interpol (International Criminal Police) to ensure the identity of a Korean-American man from thirty years old living in Canada,.

The master singer launched a threatening call to install explosives in different locations, such as the showcase where A Pink appeared early last year and the KBS 2TV's Music Bank. and threatened to kill members. However, after the encirclement of the police was reduced, the Pink Pink Sign was demanding the installation of explosives in the electronic store scheduled for January, and he stopped this activity until now.

 Boy Scouts at the bulletproof. [연합뉴스]

Boy Scouts at the bulletproof. [연합뉴스]

The boys group has also become a threat. A recent surfer posted an article on Sept. 5, saying, "I will kill Jimin on the day of the Los Angeles concert in Los Angeles, USA," and local police investigate the incident.

NBC News reported on March 14 that "the LAPD police are investigating the threat of murder of a group of boycott members scheduled to occur in September".

Experts badyze that terrorist intimidation aimed at artists is an act resulting from an excessive obsession. In an interview with the media, a professor of the Department of Criminal Psychology of Soojung-kyun University said, "Intimidating terrorist bullies has a real sense of relativity with artists, but they are trying to influence the artist does not act according to his expectations.

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