"If you abolish card rights, some merchant fees may increase." Economy | News


Photo = DB of the Korean economy

When the payment system of credit card obligations and the obligation of affiliation are removed, some franchise stores may have a card burden rather important credit.

The Korea Institute of Finance

A senior researcher at the Institute of Finance and Economics, who was appointed to this meeting, said: "The process of changing the politics of the card from the point of view of compulsory payment, and considering the future "If the payment system of the credit card obligation and the obligation to join the obligation of the merchant are abolished, the trader whose bargaining power is reduced due to the reduced intervention of the government on the commission rate may increase the burden of taxes. "

In addition, traders with bond obligations are not allowed. Subsidiary obligation must actually become credit card merchants and accept credit card payments. [19]

With this obligation, the government has been able to intervene in the decision on charges of cards and the rate of commission on the bus your credit has decreased steadily.

However, the lack of compulsory registration and obligation of

A trader may choose to affiliate to an affiliate, which may be advantageous when He negotiates a commission rate with a credit card company.

However, a trader without bargaining power may increase the rate of the card.

In the case of credit card companies, when the compulsory payment system and the compulsory subscription obligation will be abolished, the government will charge the card fee rate

The strengthening of examination and management of merchant stores may prevent the conclusion of contracts with ineligible traders, which may be advantageous in negotiating fees with traders

On the other hand, traders refuse to sign contracts Contracts

Consumers can expect to reduce their over-consumption by reducing the use of credit cards, and at merchants whose commissions are less encumbered.

However, the benefits of credit card companies can be reduced, annual fees can increase,

For this reason, the former principal investigator insisted that the government intervene in the market until the end of the year. that the card issuer and the merchant be able to negotiate the right rate, even if the bond payment system is abolished. 19659003] In addition, he urged that additional measures be taken to strengthen the mandatory investigation and tax evasion on revenues and establish a basis for the fairness of the badessment of credit card companies.

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