Iksan Emergency Medical Case "


  In a hospital emergency room in Iksan, a patient A (46) hit his face with his fist and was badaulted several times with his feet. [사진 온라인 커뮤니티 보배드림]

A patient (46) hit his face with a fist and was badaulted several times with his foot in an emergency room of Iksan City on the 1st. [사진 온라인 커뮤니티 보배드림]

Recently, the medical community urged strong penalties against the aggressor in the case of the patient's badault in the emergency room of the city's hospital. 39; Iksan.

According to the Iksan Police Station in Jeonbuk Province, A (46), who was at 9:30 on the first day of the first day, accused his aunt (37) of his face with a fist and badaulted his leg several times.

Who went to the hospital with a broken finger, asked him to put the painkiller immediately, but when Lee did not listen, he frowned and fists .

 Mr. A (46), who was intoxicated and badaulted a doctor in the hospital emergency room, complained. [전북 익산경찰서 제공=연합뉴스 자료사진]

million. A (46 years old), who was drunk and badaulted a doctor in the hospital emergency room, and moaned. [전북 익산경찰서 제공=연합뉴스 자료사진]

After sending the police, A did not stop attacking Lee, including kicking his chair. He even threatened to go "to prison and kill with a knife".

Lee is currently being treated at the hospital for nasal fractures and concussions.

The largest presenter of the Association of Doctors held a press conference on April 4 and said: "Recently, the head of the emo emergency department who works in a hospital in Jeonbuk Iksan has suffered violent badaults. "Doctors now show how aggression was horrific during treatment, including concussions, badlash, fibula fractures and dental fractures."

Choi said, "We need a severe punishment for this case." He demanded that the government take direct measures to prevent medical attacks from happening again.

He urged an immediate investigation into the arrest of the badailant, saying: "As a result of this incident, the police, the prosecution and the court must apply the law as prescribed."

The Korea Emergency Society, on the other hand, expressed deep regret for the aggression suffered by the emergency medical specialist and urged the authorities in charge of the treatment. Law enforcement to strictly enforce the law against perpetrators, "He said.

" Rhetoric and violence against emergency medical personnel pose a challenge to the safety net of public medical care, and that 39 "is an act that seriously affects the safety of the patient." "Emergency medical institutions are responsible It is necessary to create a safe medical environment for emergency medical staff and emergency patients . The government, local governments and the National Health Insurance Corporation should be supported for this.

On January 28, 2015, the amendment of the Emergency Medical Act prohibits persons who break emergency medical care, destroy or damage medical facilities or impose a fine of up to $ 500,000. 5 years or a fine of up to 50 million won. But similar incidents occur.

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