Iljin Construction, promotion of an apartment – e-paper


Iljin Group, a construction company, announced that it will change its name to "Iljin Construction & # 39; and will make its first step on the private apartment building market.

Iljin Construction is located in Gyeongsang-dong, Gwangju City,

& # 39; Sweet Fore & # 39; is a brand of apartments of Iljin Construction. Gwangju Jisok-dong Sweetfare is the southernmost area. It will be completed in the first half of 2020 and opened a model house on the 13th of last month.

Iljin Construction CEO, Lee Kyong-sun, said: "If you worked in civil engineering: roads, bridges, industrial parks, golf courses, (19659006)

  A view from Sweet Foore bird (provided by ILJIN)
<스위트포레 조감도(제공: 일진)>

In addition, the company is expanding its business to commercial buildings, officets, hotels, Eun Ji-he, reporter for electronics / parts specialist, benyun @

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