"I'll be back as if nothing was" Kim Woo-bong thirty-first birthday … What is your current state of health?


  Kim Woobin. [사진 KBS '함부로 애툿하게']

Kim Woobin. [사진 KBS ‘함부로 애툿하게’]

The actor Kim Woo-bing, who is fighting Vinh Dinam, celebrated his 33rd birthday on the 16th. In May of last year, Kim Woo-bin, who reported the news of the Bihin dike cancer attack, stops the activity and focuses on the treatment.

[사진 싸이더스HQ 공식 인스타그램]

[사진 싸이더스HQ 공식 인스타그램]

Sidus HQ, the agency of Kim Woo-bong, posted on the official service of social networks (SNS) that day: "I'm waiting for you one day and I congratulate you on your thirty-first birthday . In the photo, Kim Woo-bin bursts out laughing.

  Kim Woobin's handwritten letter. [사진 다음카페 우리빈]

Kim Woobin's handwritten letter. [사진 다음카페 우리빈]

The celebratory message that came up this day is quoted from a handwritten letter that Kim Woobin left to fans last December. Kim Woo-bing said in her handwritten letter to her coffee-fan at the time: "I will say hello to you one day, as if nothing happened Thank you and thank you again.

The agency showed a cautious response to Kim Woo-Bin's current state of health. An agency official said, "It's hard to say what the current situation is," but he added, "If you wait, I'll come back with good news."

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