In addition, Democratic MP Kim Byung-


National Assembly Information Committee In addition, Democratic MP Kim Byung-ki testified that his son died several times at the NIS that it is unfair that he be fell from NIS recruitment. There is an indication that senior members of society, such as legislators, say,

According to the 10th, Kim, who was elected at the 20th general election in April 2016, became secretary of the board. information in June of the same year. He told the National Intelligence Service (NIS) that his son had been unjustly dismissed from the identity investigation in 2014: "The NIS has several times asked the NIS to leave on the personal file a problem of recruitment."

Kim Seung-won, a former deputy director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), was suspected of being unfairly dismissed during the administration of Lee Myung-bak,

On demand Kim's at the time, the NIS confirmed that he had reviewed the process of badessing the surety, including the examination of the son-in-law's investigation report from Kim.

The official said: "I examined it would be possible to cancel the elimination of the interior, but it was impossible." (2016 Lee said, "It's hard to do because it's not possible to do it." The official said, "The person who lost his identity investigation at the National Intelligence Service (NIS) "

Kim's son, who has been applying to the National Intelligence Service (NIS) since 2014, is expected to become a member of the National Assembly in 2016 In June of this year, he succeeded in 39; NIS exam 4 times in October 2016. He obtained a bachelor's degree or above and had a career of more than 2 years in the field of information and investigation.

After the Death of Kim's son, his son, Kim Seung-won, died after graduation from university, another National Intelligence Service official said: "Kim asked for a written document at the time of the National Diet. and asked why we had dropped his son (in 2014).

It is pointed out that Kim Byung-ki, who is in charge e information, try to influence or try to influence the NIS, which is inappropriate. Kim's advisor said that "not everything is true".

Written by Kwon Se-jin Chronicler monthly Chosun


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