In martial law … I also planned to use the tanks as a master


In addition to the "martial law" written by the Korean military command, Cheong Wa Dae announced that there were 67 pages of attached documents. He also revealed that the army was trying to neutralize the media and national intelligence agencies as well as attempts by the National Assembly to lift martial law.

A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae spokeswoman Kim Hyun-soo said, "President Moon Jae-in has ordered the release of documents that the Department of National Defense has received from the National Security

 A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae, spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae, explains the details of the 67-page supplemental plan accompanying the "martial law" Korean armed forces in the briefing room. [청와대사진기자단]

Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Kim Cheong-wai explained the details of the 67-page supplemental plan accompanying the "martial law" document of the Ministry of National Defense Forces. in the Choongchwan Briefing Room on the 20th. [청와대사진기자단]

The attached documents, titled "Detailed Contrast of Planning Data", consist of 21 elements, including four areas: ▶ Step-by-Step Action Plan ▶ sylvia ▶ proclaim the martial law ▶ martial law enforcement, said the spokesman. Cheong Wa Dae said that in March 2017, at the same time as the martial law documents ("martial law and merger plan"), the municipal government badumed that the documents were written baduming that the dismissal of Park Geun-hye was rejected. Joint Chiefs of Staff are said to be different from the "martial law manual" that is usually established every two years by the martial law department.

Kim said: "In order to succeed martial law, it is stipulated that preventive measures such as the prompt declaration of martial law and the maintenance of martial law are the key to success." It also includes the proclamation of the National Law on the state of emergency, the announcement of the martial law of emergency, a declaration and a proclamation. The spokesman Kim said: "In March 2017, there was a joint announcement with those of the martial law of October 26 (state) and 80 (Gwangju Democratization Movement) in 1979."

Cheong Wa Dae said that martial law, with the proclamation of martial law, included measures to control the National Assembly, the media and the National Intelligence Service. In the case of the National Assembly, it includes a plan to exclude members of the ruling party from the ruling party, in accordance with the constitutional provisions stipulating that the president should issue martial law when the National Assembly demands the resignation of the martyrs in favor of the majority of the members. . Regarding media censorship, spokesman Kim said, "It shows how many people come from different media companies and which organization they go to." In the case of NIS, the second deputy director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) took steps to support the rally commander.

In addition to this, the document also included where to locate the maternal command, and how to put the forces of martial law in Gwanghwamun and Yeouido, the expected areas of the badembly. A spokesman for Kim said, "We also plan to use tanks and armored vehicles at night to form the Gwanghwamun and Yeouido martial operational forces, which are 494 key facilities and 2 meeting sites, such as that mechanized division, armored brigade, I was there. "

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