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  In addition, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, Lee Hae-chan, on the 20th afternoon, for the election of a new leadership in the National Assembly ..

▲ In addition, a member of the Democratic Party, The contest "is officially announced to run for the presidential contest. [사진=연합뉴스]

In addition to Lee Hae-chan, who served as Prime Minister of the participating government, the Democrat (photo) declared his candidacy as leader of the party.The presidential contest was shaken by the second round, which was to be a non-winner.The runners aim a counter-attack facing the "generation change" but the observers say that "the guy who decides to run for work before the break will not come out".

Candidate Lee In Young confirms eight candidates
On February 22, a total of eight candidates were confirmed while Lee In-young, a Democrat, declared his candidacy for the party. Lee Jae-sung (4th row) Lee In-young (3rd row), Park Bum-gye (re-elected) Kim Do-gwan (first row), and so on.

On 26, 400 members of the Central Committee will vote for three finalists. Five people are cut. Lee should shake up the election as well as the prospectus. Lee Min-gul, an unconventional legislator, also said that he would run for candidate Lee Hae-chan after his nomination for the 20th.

There are also comments that candidates will leave the elections before the 26th. Candidate Lee Hae-chan, outgoing candidate, and the local candidate will be able to plan for the future by declaring their support and by resigning.

These observations also influenced the badysis that the next party representative was "a big place". The deterioration of economic indicators is the biggest variable. If the results of an income-based growth promoted by the Party, Chungcheong and Cheong are not revealed, it is necessary that the party be responsible.

There is a point of view that a great lawmaker right, Lee Hae-chan, is a suitable candidate to overcome. It should also be noted that in his opening statement, Lee said, "What do you want?" The other candidates are watching the next presidential election since the party's presidency, but this candidate suggests that the senator can carry out his duties without any intention .

Candidates to set up a counterattack to the New Year
However, the remaining seven candidates would face a new generation of counter-attacks.

Lee In-young said, "I think the movement towards the values ​​of change and innovation is a force and a weapon that breaks the hard times and is geared toward the future." For example, leaders like Taejong and Daewonun are needed. I think creative leadership is more appropriate. "

Representative Choi Jae-sung said: "We are proposing eight party representatives to confirm the inevitable appointment of the system within two months". The entire nomination process should be done only by a vote of the former ruling party member. This is the badysis that the party reform player played a generation surrogate player.

[김효성 기자]

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