In the first half of the professional baseball season,


The first half of professional baseball ended on the 12th. The keyword that entered the first half of professional baseball was "2nd place Three Kingdoms". The Doosan Bears have gone off, while the '3's Hanhwa Eagles, SK Wyverns and LG Twins advanced to second place.

  The Hanwha Eagles won 4-1 in the Hanwha Eagles Park in Taejon, Korea, in the afternoon of the afternoon of December 12 and became the second player in the first half of professional baseball in 26 years. [프리랜서 김성태]

The Hanwha Eagles won 4-1 in Hanwha Eagles Park, Daejeon, Korea, on the afternoon of December 12 and became the second player in the first half of professional baseball in 26 years . [프리랜서 김성태]

Doosan led KT Wiz to Suwon on Saturday with a 4-11 win in the first half of the first half, but managed to keep the lead with 58 wins and 29 losses (0.667). Hanhwa was ranked second with a 4-1 win over the Nexen Heroes, fifth, and was 52-37 with a 0.584 rating. Doosan and riding reduced to seven games.

SK won 7-4 in an away match against LG at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul. SK finished the first half with 48-37 with a win of 0.565. SK, who finished fourth with LG (48-41, 0.539), is back in two games.

Hanhwa LG's second place was competitive enough to change rankings after sleeping, but at the end of the first half, there were some gaps and the race became 2 ~ 4 games. The second match of the three teams started at the end of May. When Hanwha and SK were in second place, LG ran from 7th place to 2nd place on June 19th for the first time this season. Although he came down in one day, he continued to be second and third.

  SK Wyverns is delighted to win the match against the LG Twins. [뉴스1]

SK Wyverns are thrilled to win the match against the LG Twins. [뉴스1]

SK, who was in second place first, seemed a bit overwhelmed by the warming of the day. There was a lack of rotation. A native Kim Kwang Hyun was unable to play full time while undergoing the management of elbow surgery last year and was successful this season. Merrill Kelly, who showed regular throws, was also deeply upset and lost 6 wins (5 losses) to 5.17 ERA.

However, Hanwha and LG won 4-2 in the first half of the first half. "It is significant that we have recorded the winning series against Hanhwa and LG, who are in second place in the last six games of the first half, and we will prepare well in the second half," said SK Trailman, Trailmanman coach. .

Of the three teams, the Hanhwa jump is the most spectacular. The last time Hanhwa finished second in the regular season was in 1999. By that time, both leagues were progressing. Hanhwa climbed to the top of the magic league, finishing the first half of the overall standings after Lotte (1st in the Dream League). It dates back to 1992 on a single base. Hanhwa finished first in the first half of the year and came first in the pennant race.

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