In the minimum wage of the next year of 8350 won,


[뉴스토마토 김나볏 기자] Small and medium-sized businesses and small business owners expressed anger and frustration when the minimum wage in 2019 was 10.9% higher than 8,350 won on the 14th


On the day of the meeting, only the members of the workers' committee and the public interest committee attended the meeting of the minimum wage committee with all members of the absentee committee. The Workers 'Commissioner presented 8680 won and Public Commissioner 8350 won. The members of the public committee were voted 8 to 6. All members of the Users' Committee were absent from the minimum wage committee after the last 10 days of the meeting. the minimum wage demand by sector were rejected as opposed to members of the public interest committee.

First, the Korean Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises criticized this minimum wage in a loud tone by saying, "I can not explain 8350 Won as an economic indicator. "There is already a situation where the whole nation is sympathetic to the fact that small businesses are already in a business crisis because of the rapid increase in the minimum wage this year." "The minimum wage is still increased without any alternative, one thing is worrying: it will take more jobs in the poorer sectors and vulnerable clbades of our society and deepen polarization."

"This decision is already the fourth highest country in the OECD in terms of gross national income (GNI) per capita, but it does not take into account the capacity of small businesses, workers affected by wages will move to about 510,000 (25%). In the end, wages will be flattened regardless of the difficulty of employment and the level on the ground, which will aggravate the shortage of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

In addition, the SME sector has urged the government to take steps to reduce the burden of small businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises that have to suffer all kinds of side effects such as costs. manpower and manpower shortages

Small entrepreneurs show more frantic reactions. Following the December 12 press conference, the Small Business Association adhered to the position that "the unilateral minimum wage is unacceptable".

The Federation stated: "The decision of the Minimum Wage Committee, which has been held in the" overturned playground "beyond the" pitched playground "with all the absent members, was procedural, It is only a unilateral decision that even the legitimacy is lost. "

He declared that he would execute the" moratorium ", a small company that was proclaimed before. The Federation is committed to promoting and promoting autonomous agreements between employers and employees of small businesses, regardless of the minimum wage in 2019.

On behalf of the plan action, the Federation said: "To protect the right to life of small entrepreneurs, the constitutional" right of resistance "is exercised equitably" and all responsibilities are limited to small businesses It is up to the authorities and to the minimum wage commission that ignore desperate demands. "

In addition," It is to want to ask the competent authorities how many small businesses have increased their sales by more than 29% in one year "," Small entrepreneurs are forced to choose s & They must be closed or not.I have been forced to face this miserable reality in my negligence. "

In addition, he announced that he was planning to do so. carry out a cost reduction due to rising labor costs by specific industries, seeking understanding of people, and calling for the small-scale collective badembly of companies national. In addition, he regretted that the Government authorities had not been invited to establish an opportunity for dialogue and called for the immediate resignation of all members of the Minimum Wage Committee, including the Chairman of the Minimum Wage Committee.

The chairman of the minimum wage, Ryu Jang-soo, shakes hands with a worker member after the 2019 minimum wage has been approved by the Sejong government government. At the meeting, the minimum wage in 2019 was set at 8,350 won. (D, s, id) {19659002]

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