In the warm atmosphere of the sun that lava … Solar Probe launched early next month (Cape Town)


Sun has embarked on exploration by joining Europe's "solar orbit line" next year

A large-scale exploration of the human race towards the glowing sun in the center of the solar system begins at the beginning of next month.
NASA is finalizing a check-up for the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) to be launched next month. On the 20th, the media briefing was completed before the launch.

A small remote-controlled solar probe the size of a pbadenger car parked in Cape Canaveral, Florida, is launched on a large Delta 4 rocket and is the first artificial spacecraft to fly directly to Corona, [19659002Parkerapproachedabout61millionkilometersfromthesun'ssurfaceUntilnowin1976Helios2landednearthesunreaching43millionkilometers

A total of $ 1.5 billion was invested in the Parker project. The name Parker comes from the name of Dr. Eugene Newman Parker (91), an American solar astrophysicist.

Parker's solar wind, which will be focused for seven years, forms in the corona and constantly sends radio waves, radiation and corona into the solar system. This material goes far to Neptune. This can cause significant damage to the neighborhood, such as a communication system failure or power outage.

"The ability to predict the time of the universe is just as important as the Earth's time," said Alex Young, a solar scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. I can emphasize the fact that I can directly influence it. "

Parker's core technology is to withstand the enormous heat and temperature of the sun, which is hard to imagine.

Parker coronas will fly will reach temperatures of several million degrees, but the heat applied to the hull is about 2500 degrees Fahrenheit (1400 degrees Celsius).

The temperature indicates how fast a particle is moving, and the heat shows how much energy these particles are transmitting, because there are not many particles in the universe and no energy is transmitted to the hull as much as the temperature.

Compared to the fact that the volcanic lava eruption is 1000-320 degrees Fahrenheit (700-1200 degrees Celsius), the heat applied to Parker is beyond the imagination.

The NASA team solved this problem by developing a 2.4-meter diameter thermal protection system (TPS) that protects the hull to a thickness of 11.5 cm. Using advanced technology to put a carbon composite between carbon steel plates, the insulator is manufactured and the outer part is painted with white ceramic paint to reflect the heat as much as possible. It can withstand up to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,650 degrees Celsius) and maintain the temperature of the probe at around 30 degrees.

Since fatal hull damage at the time of abnormal GST occurs, a system has been prepared to deal with all possible situations immediately. It took about eight minutes to communicate with the planet, which made writing difficult.

The Parker Probe will also fly 200 kilometers per second around the sun, which will be recorded at the fastest speed of man-made objects.

[출처:NASA] []

Parker does not have a camera. Only equipment that can measure particles and magnetic fields around the orbit of flight

is why it's not as close to the sun as Parker, but it will be in synergy with Solar Orbiter of the European Space Agency (EPA), which has a telescope and observes the effects of the sun and the effects of solar wind C is expected.

The Sun Orbiter will see a big picture, and Parker will have a detailed role-sharing role.

The Solar Orbital Line is currently being produced by Airbus and will be launched next year.

Both probes are expected to operate in the mid-2020s and lead to a real-time forecasting system for space weather.

[email protected]

(Seoul = Yonhap News)

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