Inflatable iPhone Battery … "It's been over 90 days, so earn some money."


Even though the smartphone battery that has used less than six months has been severely inflated, there is an iPhone consumer who is denied free repair.

Kim Mo replaced the battery of the iPhone last February, but after five months Suddenly, the battery swelled like a balloon.

[김 모 씨/충남 천안 : 남편이 ‘어, 뭐야’ 이러더라고요. 그래서 봤더니 아이폰 6S 배터리가 부풀어서 한 3센티미터 정도 핸드폰이 벌어져 있는 상태더 라고요.]

The service center closed the door.

[김 모 씨/충남 천안 : 너무 무서워서 이거를 신발장 앞에까지 이렇게 내놓았었는데 새벽 내내 그게 잠이 안 오는 거예요.]

The service center also acknowledged that there was a problem with the battery

[애플서비스센터 직원 : 이게 배터리가 심하게 팽창해서 안에 있는 커넥터도 끊어져 있는 상태고…]

However, it's been 90 days since it lasted.

Domestic smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and LG have already extended the battery warranty period to six years, six years ago, to one year. On the other hand, Apple has not changed the 90-day rule right up here.

As soon as Kim raised his problems on the Internet, Apple later replaced the smartphone with patience

However, there is not one or two cases where the battery of the phone is not there. iPhone is swollen like Kim.

Apple is in a clbad action lawsuit with about 60,000 domestic consumers because of the battery case that deliberately dropped the performance of the iPhone.

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