"Internal candidates to eliminate in the first prize contest, school self-destruction"


[Seoul = NewSea] Reporter Bae Min-wook: The Seoul Metropolitan Education Council (President Jang In-Hong) urged the government to improve the system shortly after the controversial internal-type presidential contest.

The Seoul Metropolitan Education Council said at a press conference at Seoul City Council that "the foundation of democratic schools and the autonomy of schools s & # 39; 39; collapse. "

According to the Education Committee of Seoul Metropolitan Council, the public conscription system was created to contribute to the revitalization of public education by increasing the level of consumer satisfaction by designating applicants as parents.

The opinions of teachers, students and parents, which are the three main topics of education, must go through the first academic examination and the second examination of teachers who have been teaching for over 15 years and no 39, have no main patent.

However, on September 1, 2009, in the form of an internal-type director, Elementary School A of the Northern Education Support Office and College B of the Southern Education Support Agency were the first There was a situation in which the application was rejected.

They say, "It's a situation in which the opinions of school members like parents and teachers are ignored." The main goal of the internal-type competition is to democratize school management and the foundations of school autonomy. Opinion of the members "

In addition," the elimination of qualified candidates sufficiently taken into account in the first examination of the examination of the office of badistance to secondary education does not can be considered only as an attempt to eradicate school autonomy ", and" "He criticized.

" The Seoul Metropolitan Education Office should do its utmost to s & # 39; 39 to ensure that the views of the school educators concerned are not distorted by the public-grade presidential bid system, "There is a need to improve the system so that the first school exam can be respected, as is the case. adding a bonus point to the first school exam, so that the first school's opinions can be reflected fairly. "

They demanded that "all the standards of review and results of the public internal purchase offer system be disclosed in detail and institutionalized to ensure fairness and equity. objectivity in the selection of judges for secondary education support agencies ".

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