Is the martial document proof of a civil war? It is important to join the front line


  Defense Minister Song Young-moo (left) protests against a bereaved family at the Joint Mission of the Victims of a Helicopter Accident in the 1st Pohang Marines Division in Gyeongsang Province March 21th. On June 20, Minister Song said, "I think it annoys me because I can not be satisfied with the family's legitimacy issues. [뉴스1]

Defense Secretary Song Hyung-moo (left) protests against a bereaved family at the joint embbady of victims of a helicopter crash in Pohang Marines' 1st Division in Gyeongbuk province on December 21st. On June 20, Minister Song said, "I think it annoys me because I can not be satisfied with the family's legitimacy issues. [뉴스1]

In Korean society, martial law appeared again in 28 years. This is the first time since May 17, 1980, when a new military unit led by former Chun Doo Hwan led a coup to extend the martial law of emergency in all the country. The beginning is the "details of the emergency plan" (data) by the Cheong Wa Dae on the 20th. According to the data, the military authorities plan to put tanks in Gwanghwamun and Yeouido in Seoul with the declaration of the law martial. If the army has actually prepared as the data show, this would be the dejavu of the 80th coup of the military state. The military and prosecutors in the investigation focus on finding the "body" or "above" that led to the drafting of documents.

① Who wrote the instructions = The data is an attached document of Lee Chul-hee and legislator of the Democratic Party The former Defense Minister Han Min-koo and the former commander Cho Hyun-cheon said, "We have written the documents to review the War and Martial Law. However, the data is not yet available. It may be that the writing of the document and the instructions for writing the data can be done separately.

At some point in the pbadport, documents and documents may have been reported to the Blue House through the KMU line. At that time, the former prime minister of Hwangyang administration was the authority because the former president Park Geun-hye was suspended. It is also suspected that the former chief of the guard, Kim Kyu-jin, who comes from the army, or Park Chae-yul, instructed Cho Jong-seon, In response, Kim denied ever receiving a report or instruction. "I've never seen it before," Park said.

② Why did he do it = A former minister explained that "the document was made to answer the question of this badembly". However, at the output of the document, the data are not the documents attached to the document, quite the contrary, it is said that the document is not a summary of the data. The materials contain concrete plans for media control, deploying troops such as tanking, gates and proclaimed martial emergency speeches. A government source said: "The protesters in December 2016, while the candlelight demonstrations were in full swing, saw the chin of Cheong Wa Dae, who reached the security center in Hyosan, and the military was very surprised. " I was informed in real time of the dynamics of the protesters by candlelight. "At that time, Cheong Wa Dae or the military commander could have realized the need for an operational plan that presupposes an emergency situation in which Cheong Wa Dae is in protest.

③ Is it a civil war? = It is argued that a pbadport should be sanctioned by a conspiracy to return the persons involved in the drafting of documents and materials. On the other hand, a lawyer a military lawyer who requested anonymity said: "If the paper or the material is written on paper and the paper plan is not executed, it is not easy The key is whether or not the front-line units are involved in the data creation process If the chiefs of staff, the defense command, the command of the forces special items, etc. in the Chief Engineer's documents exchanged opinions with the chief engineer on the deployment of the chief engineer or the deployment of troops, it can be a civil war.

④ Full Disclosure Workshop = Cheong Wa Dae has published only a portion of 67 pages of data over the past 20 days. This is a "second clbad military confidentiality" and the military investigation is ongoing. A senior South Korean spokesperson, Yoon Young-suk, criticized the 22nd: "It is doubtful that Cheong Wa Dae has been away for months, and now he is open to salamis selection. There is also a debate about the relevance of Cheong Wa Dae's direct publication of the investigation documents.

On the other hand, the Justice Ministry of the National Assembly officially asked the Blue House to submit the documents. Kim Dae-eup, vice minister of the Korean peninsula, said during a phone conversation with JoongAng Ilbo: "I sent a letter to the presidential office on the 20th by the agreement of the ruling parties and opposition to the Department of Justice on the 20th. This is not a "clbad 2 confidential document", so you should decide whether to disclose it or not. An official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "When the National Assembly requests to submit documents, it is very likely that the Ministry of Defense will submit them.

Lee, Chul Jae and Kang Taehwa reporter [email protected]

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