It has been postponed since the Asian Games, that the management group of the Ice Skating Federation has been appointed.


[Seoul-NewSea] Kim Hee-joon, reporter for the Korea Sports Association, decided to decide the leadership of the Korea Ice Federation since the Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang in 2018.

The 17th meeting of the CA was held at Olympic Parktel in Banyu Dong, Seoul, and it was discussed whether or not the Ice Federation Management Association was designated as a management organization.

On the occasion of the announcement of the results of a specific audit of the Ice Federation, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Culture announced on May 23 that the selection and the the selection of national athletes were unusual, the company said.

At the time, the second deputy minister of the non-Taekgok-style section criticized that "the Korean Sports Council sees the situation as a management body."

The Board of Trustees Sports Council Administration Deliberate

After a specific audit, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism decided to conduct a total of 49 audits, and not to recommend a management group as a comprehensive solution,

The board of directors of the Korea Sports Council has concluded that the functioning of the permanent council, which is not based on the statutes, is insufficient to be considered a serious violation by the management body.

In order to prevent the privatization of the organization, the Korean Sports Council abolished the members' board of directors in March 2016. However, since the Ice Federation maintains a permanent board of directors not based on the statutes, the results were underlined.

Kim Bo-Young, the head of the Sports Council's Public Relations Committee, said, "The Council decided that the reason for the appointment of the Ice Federation Management Group was insufficient.

National Sports Council plans to hold a consultation committee for the development of the Ice Federation and listen to various opinions.

Kim Jong-soo, head of the sport promotion department, said: "We will train a consortium led by Kim Inong.

Kim Sang-hwan, President of the Ice Federation, submitted an official resignation to the Federation Secretariat on March 3, announced the presidential candidate.

As the Asian Games ends on September 2, the Sports Council will review the Ice Skating Federation after the Asian Games.

Apart from the appointment of a management group of the Ice Federation, Samsung leaves the Ice Federation.

Former President Kim Sang-hwan was scheduled to some extent when he resigned on March 3.

In 1997, Park Sung-in, the leader of the Samsung Sports team,

Samsung had problems with the Ice Skating Federation around the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang , and as a result of the Ministry of Culture,

Former President Kim Sang-hwan expressed his willingness to resign at the request of the Sports Council to designate the ministry as the governing body at the end of the month last, and Samsung also announced the resignation of the president of the ice cap

On the other hand, the board of directors of the Korean Sports Federation said in March 2016,

L & # 39; financial alliance and the misconduct of the executives made the swimming alliance designated as a management group in March 2016. She moved away for more than two years without being elected president.At the mid-May, Kim Ki-yong, president of Kookmin University, becomes the new President

The Korea Taekwoon Association, which reported problems such as the gravitational diversion of the former president and the financial deterioration caused by the President's long vacations and the execution of the property by default, was designated as the management organization.

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