It is popular as the listener 'Iniguzz & # 39; who wrote the simultaneous interpretation of the Moon


  Earpiece Moon, which was written at the same time as the simultaneous interpreters. [연합뉴스]

Earpiece, which was written at the same time as the simultaneous interpretation of Mr. Moon. [연합뉴스]

After a summit with US President Donald Trump last November, President Moon Jae-in, who was attending a joint press conference, stepped on the podium with headphones (photo) to listen to the interpretation simultaneously. This type of earphone was an A8 model manufactured by Bang & Olufsen. This product has attracted popularity as another 'Iniguzz & # 39; at a price of over 100,000 won.

Bang & Olufsen is a Danish high-end audio company made by Peter Bang and his friend Svend Olufsen in 1925, they borrowed from Olufson's mansion and experimented with various types of buds for 100 years. Born as an engineer, Bang graduated from college and spent six months working in a US radio manufacturing plant, bringing his first product, radio. It has been evaluated as innovative by launching a radio that works on exchanges rather than on battery cells.

Since then, Bang is in business and Olufsen is in business. Simultaneous recording system for films and surround speakers for circus performances. The company explains that it aims to be an "honest reproduction of music" that is not limited by technical limitations.

Bang & Olufsen is particularly famous for its compact and futuristic design. In order to reflect the trend of the latest industrial design, we contract with talented designers from the outside and apply them to the products. Cobb Jensen is a designer representative who has been collaborating for 30 years.

In the 1990s, Bang & Olufsen opened a specialized store and attempted to diversify its activities. However, the dispersion of abilities has had many side effects. The company suffered a financial crisis in 2008, when it dropped due to a fall in stock prices. At that time, the company's activities regarding smartphones and MP3 players were listed.

Since 2010, we have focused on audio products, which are at the origin of our company. It is still unique in the manufacture of high-end speakers. Bluetooth headphones and wireless speakers are also appreciated. In the age of smartphones, he is involved in various information technology (IT) companies such as Philips, Ericsson and HP. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics in Korea also have cooperation experience.

Jeon Young-sun, reporter [email protected]

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