It's a thousand dollars … Han Yong-deok, director


[조이뉴스24 김형태 기자]

& # 39; Nongdue & # 39; Han Yong Deok coach Hanwha Eagles has criticized the reality of the KBO league.

A manager said in front of Jamsil Doosan Bears on 29: "I think the match is a good match yesterday (28th) No," he said. It's the story. On the 28th, Hanwha and Doosan's Jamsil match was declared late one hour and ten minutes later due to the confrontation just before 18 hours.

Han said: "The Doosan local team has its own locker room, but it can not be considered a visiting team." "

He said:" As a result of the rest of the Asian Games, we will play as many games as possible. "

He said," Hale, which was canceled for the start of the game today. 39, who is tired of hurting his body, "

Jamshil did a few years ago to pay for the work.

This is not a place to relax because the space is so narrow that the athlete can not enter and the athlete's meal provided by the catering company is not prepared.Because of the nature of the Jamsil stadium used by both teams, the official locker room of the third round is a unique space for LG Twins athletes.

A coach said: "If you play in such a situation, it will not be a fair competition" and "I think that Is a good place to make a resting place for the visiting team. "

Jamshil = Kim Hyung-tae reporter [email protected]

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