"It's Funeral" … Mitsubishi Proposes the "Head of the Year" for the Blue Sky


  On April 17, 2014, a military and civilian rescue team conducted rescue operations at the scene of the accident. [프리랜서 오종찬]

On April 17, 2014, a military and civilian rescue team conducted rescue operations at the scene of the accident. [프리랜서 오종찬]

At the time of the 2014 disaster, it was revealed that the military commander of the DRC armed forces had proposed to Cheong Wa Dae a plan for storing victims of Seowall.

In addition, it was confirmed that when Seohwol's hull was removed from the devastating seasons, it was suggested that the government would raise criticism of the government and elevate Park's opinion. Geun-hye.

It seems that the military has managed to lighten the burden of the regime, which may provoke controversy over the scope of his work.

On July 11, Lee Chul-hee, a member of the Democratic Party's bureau, said: "According to the document," It is a question of the effectiveness of the rescue when we consider the possibility of salvation. "

According to the document, the delegation heard the reason that" the number of pbadengers issued by the Government may differ from the actual number of pbadengers after the rescue "and" the evidence that the victim survived for a long time after the sinking. "

Meanwhile, it is said that there is much talk about the" dissemination of the vanished consensus "," the interview with rescue-related rescue experts, the contribution of media, promoting the unreal reality of salvation "Prolonged problems" in the presidential office.

In particular, "the minimum wage cost is 200 billion won, the salvation period is more than 6 months" should be emphasized.

 Lee, Cheol-hee In addition, the legislature of the Democratic Party revealed the

In addition, Lee Chul-hee, a member of the Democratic Party, revealed the "In June 2014, the delegation proposed a plan to organize the Seowol at Cheong Wa Dae [KBS 뉴스 화면 캡처]

Another document, which was prepared on June 7, proposes a method for storing the dike and explains the reason.

In the document, he suggested that the Naval Air Station of the United States Naval Air Station Arizona Memorial, which was sunk in 1941 by the Pearl Harbor,

He added: "The chief is one. the oldest funeral with the burial of how the body is poured into the sea or the river or settles. "

In addition, it was revealed that the Deputy Minister suggested that Park foreshadows the management of the image at the time.

A paper on action claimed in May 2014, about a month after the Seowall disaster, said: "Despite the applause and comfort of the VIP, A sincere look at the sentence.

In this paper, Mr. Lee specifically commented that former President Lee Myung-bak made a name for the victims at the time of the Cheonan Memorial Service.
In fact, Park shed tears on May 19, calling the names of the victims of the seasons on May 19.

Lee Chul-hee, who published the paper, said: "It is dangerous to do a TF by removing 60 elite agents who should run in the front row of the security fence , "He said.

Reprinted by Lee Min-jung [email protected]

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