Jang Hae-sung "The crisis is over expression" Kim Dong-yeon "The economy has not improved"


On the 6th, the executive committee of the National Assembly noted a change in the economic situation of Chong Wa Dae's policy officer. "The baseless crisis will reduce the economic climate," Cabinet Secretary Jeong Chan said on April 4 at a meeting with the ruling party, the ruling party and the central government. We will see the results of revenue – led growth next year. "" If the economy is not a crisis, it's because the Kospi has collapsed and various economic indicators have fallen sharply. "" The expression that the national economy has fallen into crisis is an interpretation, "said Jeong." If there is one thing that Moon Jae-in did best about candles, let me tell you one thing . "

However, the words of Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister of Kim, On the same day, the representative of South Korea, Lee Jang-woo, asked: "Have you ever said that the economy s & Was improving at the end of the year? "Said Kim. "I never said that. (Cheong Wa Dae), I think the director of politics probably expressed his hope." It is true that he refuted the CEO's remark according to which the economy will improve. Kim also said: "I have expressed my gratitude to the President in that I will not avoid responsibility for the current employment situation." This is the first time Kim recognizes the company's statement.

◆ Transfer of the economic office from the real estate policy"That day, Chae Hae Sung said," The social manager was involved in the real estate policy in his early days as a government official, but he recently tried to transfer it to the economic bureau. "The day before, Yun Jong-won, chief economist of the presidential office, said before the Preliminary Council of the National Assembly:" I am responsible for the energy problem and Kim Soo-hyun L & # 39, real estate of the main jurisdiction and the policy of denuclearization were all transmitted to Yun. A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said that Kim had insisted on the need to take into account the economic policy of real estate measures and that he had not specified whether they had been transferred.

Yoon Sung Min reporter [email protected]

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