Japanese media also reported on Han Ban Jun … Local Answer


  KBS commentator Han Jun-hee (left) and players of the Japanese football team who regret after defeating Belgium in the 16th round of the World Cup in Russia the 3rd. [연합뉴스]

KBS commentator Han Jun-hee (left photo) and the Japanese football team players who regret after beating Belgium in the 16th round of the Russia World Cup who went held on 3. [연합뉴스]

The Japanese media mentioned the controversy over the interpretation of the KBS commentator by Han Hee-hee.

The Japanese national football team "Gekisaka" reported the third day of the 2018 World Cup match against Belgium in the 16th round of Japan's national football team.

Gakisaka explains the situation before and after commentary by a commentator, and says: "In Korea, a commentator's criticism continues."

The media said: "In the second half of the second half, Belgian midfielder Nbader Chardilly placed the ball at the top of the goal, and commentator Joon Hee replied," Thank you Chadley . I did it too badly, I apologize, I said thank you, "explained the situation.

He said: "The comments that seemed to be satisfied with the defeat of Japan were broadcast by the public broadcasting, and this seems to be criticized in Korea." "In Korea" Even if Japan does not want to be honored, "It should be fair." "This is not a war between Korea and Japan, but it should maintain neutrality."

As reported Gekisaka, a commentator in Korea the day of the controversy over the commentary on Belgium – Japan in the 16th round of the 2018 Russian World Cup. A commentator criticized Belgium for putting " Nbader Chadley "in the second half of the day, and Chadley tied the score in the 29th minute," Thanks Chadley, I made a statement saying that.

It was said that he was uncomfortable to say "thank you" when a member of the committee had a prejudice against Japan and scored a goal against Japan.

The same day, a commentator said in a phone interview with the factory News from Kim, Jun-joon, the same day: "There is a side to compare between Korean football and Japanese football. "It was an instant instinct," he said.

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