Jean Air employees "Asiana will watch and why we only want to kill"


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Gin Air workers came into force to prevent revocation of the company's license. On June 24, a staff meeting to oppose the cancellation of Jean Air's permit was held at Gwanghwamun Square on the 25th at 19:00.

Jin Air asked the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation to open a hearing on the cancellation of the Jean Air license of the Ministry of Land, Employees have followed. The staff member said: "It threatens the right to live with Jinair employees and thousands of families to avoid the responsibility of some officials and the minister's position." He criticized as "irresponsible" and announced a response frontal to the Ministry of the Earth.

They raised the issue of fairness, saying, "The foreign directors, who are the same relatives of the owner, are looking at Asiana, who has been in office for six years, and Jinair is trying to kill."

 In the afternoon of the 29th, there is a briefing on sanctions measures against the Jeon Aviation Act in Sejong Administration, Ministry of Land Transport. [연합뉴스]

In the afternoon of the 29th, there is a briefing on the Jeon Air Violation Act sanction plan by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism, Sejong Government Office. [연합뉴스]

Illegal exposures of the family of Hanjin group owner who started with what is called the "water cut" C is because Jin Air revealed that the ambbadador from Korea, Cho Hyun-min, who was General Manager of Korean Air in 2010 ~ 2016, was appointed Registered Director. According to the Aviation Business Act, the appointment of a foreigner as an officer of an airline is a reason for revocation of the license.

Asiana Airlines also revealed that US nationals served as registered directors from 2004 to 2010 as "meals in paradise". However, the legal director of Asiana could not revoke the license because the director of the show was expelled from the registered agent in 2010 and the reason for disqualification of the license has been resolved and the change license for Asiana was issued in 2014.

 Jin Air Airplane moves to the Gimpo Airport wharf in Gangseo-gu, Seoul on the 29th, when the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs announced that He would decide after hearing the proceedings related to Jean Hyun- [뉴스1]

Jeon Air moved to the wharf at Gimpo Airport in Gangseo-gu, Gangseo-gu, Seoul on the 29th, when the Ministry of the Territory, Transportation and Maritime Affairs announced that it would decide after hearing the proceedings relating to the controversy over Jeon Hyun- [뉴스1]

The Jinair employee group said, "If you want to kill Jin Air in canceling your license, you should apply it to all airlines according to the logic of equity. "We have prepared for the staff meeting because we can not be in this kind of situation," and added, "We will respond to the Ministry of Earth and Corruption through the meeting which will begin on the 25th."

Staff also stated that it was pointless to observe that the Ministry of Territory annexed the air license, but that it could delay the implementation of two to three years. "He said" It's a ridiculous trick. "

The Ministry of the Territory adjourned the decision on the 29th of last month on the investigation of the cancellation of Jin Air's license.The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation will hold a hearing in the city of Sejong on the 30th, will listen to the opinions of stakeholders and decide whether to cancel the license for air after attending a licensing consultation meeting.

 Pbadengers take boarding procedures at the domestic terminal of Gimpo Airport in Gimpo Airport in the afternoon of 29, when the Ministry of Lands, Transport and Maritime Affairs announced that they were going to cancel their license. [연합뉴스]

Pbadengers take boarding procedures at the domestic terminal of Gimpo Airport in the city. Gimpo airport in the afternoon of the 29th, when the Ministry Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs announced that they would begin legal proceedings to revoke the license. B, e, v, n, t, s) {function (f, b, e,
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