Jean Air employees "no cancellation license" … Today, the Ministry of Land, People's Republic of Korea


Jean Air, in a license revocation crisis, is asking for a public hearing, including public debate, following the advertising request from the Department of Lands, Transportation and Maritime Affairs.

May 25th in front of the Gwanghwamun government headquarters. Staff members said, "The procedure for canceling Jean Air's permit was set at 30 days." Since Jean Air's innocent employees were able to lose their jobs due to the terrible owner, "[19659002] They said that the livelihoods of employees who silently kept their place through the statement should not be fired immediately, and they said that the cancellation of the license is unfair. Fairness issue with Asiana Airlines, which had a similar debate on foreign registration issues, was also raised.The group of employees said: "Asiana can not forgive the territory who tries to kill only Jean-Aurie who looks back, "if you want to cancel your license, you must apply the same provision to all airlines." [19659002] The staff members introduced themselves to the fact that, Unlike other employee badociations and unions, Jin Air employees were a self-produced group for the right to life. After the Korean Air strike, the open discussion rooms of the various staff members are also shared with protest rally posters from the Jin Air staff meeting. However, some of them were questioned if the requirements of the Hanjin group are a camouflage to represent the position of the Hanjin group before the disposal of the Ministry of the Earth, Jeon Hyun-min, the former director general of Jeon Ahn, will be the first to hear a hearing on the cancellation of the air license on July 30th. "We will hold the first hearing of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation I have set.

Jean-Auron will be held three times from 2010 to 2016 to ensure a clear framework for the hearing process, "We have not received any intellectual or administrative guidance on the issue in the process of obtaining permission to change the license of the airline In March 2016, Joe Jeong, the general manager, retired from the registered director, (19659002)

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