"Judicial decision" of the Supreme Court: "resolution without legal effect"


The Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court had "no legal effect" on the fact that the meeting of the judges' representatives had considered that the re-examination of the indictment was necessary for the judges suspected of having abused the judicial authority. Kim, Myung-soo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,

This is the journalist Ryu.


The Supreme Court officially announced that the National Council of Justice had urged judges to review charges of alleged indictment of misappropriation of the judiciary.

The Supreme Court explained in its response to the National Assembly that the decisions of the Judicial Council were intended to declare that the inappropriate conduct of the parties constituted a serious constitutional violation.

The Supreme Court stated that the judicial meeting had expressed the opinion that a constitutional review was necessary and that the proposal to impeach the prosecutor had the authority of the National Assembly and of the Constitutional Court.

Kim Myung-soo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,

At the same time, Ahn Chul-sung, administrative head of the Supreme Court of Justice, said yesterday (February 27) the case of "vomiting a fireball" and said that the company could not maintain peace if the respect of judgment breaks down.

In the meantime, I made a statement that recalled the investigation of the prosecution.

[안철상/법원행정처장 : 단기간 내에 수술을 하여 환자를 살리는 것이 명의라고 볼 수 있습니다. 아무리 병소를 많이 찾는다고 하더라도 해부하는 것은 바람직하지 않다고 생각합니다.]

The prosecution has repeatedly summoned lawmakers and expanded the investigation to allegations of "black list" of the judiciary.

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