Jung-hyun came back and he was sold.


  Jung-hyun, who returned in two and a half months, is putting a service on the 16th round of the Atlanta Open. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Jung-hyun, who returned in two and a half months, is putting a service in the Atlanta Open 16th round of the 26th. [AFP=연합뉴스]

The South Korean tennis player 'Ace & # 39; Jung Hyun (22, Korea national team, 23rd place) has returned. The return of two and a half months came to victory.

Jung-hyun was second in the second round (16 rounds) of the BB & T Atlanta Open (total prize of $ 668,460) (6-4, 7-6) to advance to the quarter-finals.

Jung Hyun received three seeds in the tournament, pbaded the first round bye. After winning two rounds in the BMW Open last May, the tournament tournament in the second quarter and two months after the quarter-final rise. Jung Hyun has competed in 10 competitions this season, including this tournament, and has scored 8 or more times in eight tournaments.

Jung-hyun, who has experienced a comeback because of his advance to the quarterfinals of the Australian Open last January, has injured his ankle for a while. After missing the first round of the Madrid Open in early May, he could not compete for two and a half months. Although he was mainly rehabilitated in Korea, he also went to South Africa, where he coached Neville Godwin, to focus on treating the pain to help him come back again. .

In the meantime, I applied for and canceled several competitions. The French Open and Wimbledon were also forced to pbad the major tournament. The rankings, which climbed to 19th place in the personal best last April, fell slightly to 23rd place. He is also the highest ranked Asian player at Nishikori Kei (29, Japan, 20th).

Jung-hyun, who suffered from a tough rehabilitation workout, said, "I've had a two-month injury period and I'm happy to win." I struggled to focus every point in good weather, "he said," I have no problem with my physical condition because I'm training (reeducation) ". Social media (SNS) has also "found a healthy body and mind. I missed the competition to feel a lot of emotions, "he said.

Jung-hyun showed a more stable appearance at the service of the day than before. in rehabilitation, weak point was stressed at the under-strengthening training was also a difficult job.The sub-ace was less than the Fritz (16) (2), but the angle was not The number of people who gave scores in the three neighborhoods after service increased, with Jung-hyun's first under-success rate of 67% and his first under-reporting rate. score was 76%.

Crisis management ability that left a deep impression in the Australian Open remained.Jung-hyun was dragged to 15-40 on a game score of 2-3 on the day, and was forced to break the service play, but he kept the game by winning the match.After winning two tie-break sets of u fifth to fifth round,

Jung-hyun is currently the number 1 (247.6 points) of the crisis management index compiled by the ATP. Crisis Management Index ▶ Probability of recording an opportunity at the point of shutdown ▶ The probability of stopping at the point of shutdown when it is reversed ▶ The success rate of the equal break ▶ This is the total of the last defined odds. Roger Federer (37, Switzerland 2nd) is fifth and Rafael Nadal (32, Spain, 1st) is the seventh. "This is a player who has the ability to play without being aware of the consequences in important moments," said Godwin coach.

Jung Hyun plays Ryan Harrison (26, USA, 53rd) in the quarterfinals on the 27th. Harrison, right-handed as Sung Hyun, ranks 40th. Choi Tianjin, JTBC3 sports commentator FOX, said: "Jung-hyun has become a first-clbad player.Jung Hyun has shown a steady performance even in the long vacation period." It's a good chance for me to to win this match, "he declared.

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