KBO-MLB amendment agreement for Korean players … Decrease transfer fees, increase players' share


  The KBO governor visits the Major League office in New York on 14 (local time) and takes a commemorative photo with Commissioner Rob Manfred [연합뉴스]

Chung Un-chan (left) [연합뉴스]

The Committee Korean Baseball (KBO) has revised the player agreement between Korea and the United States with the Major League US Secretariat in consultation with the Major League American Secretariat. The 12 day amendment was announced in time for the expiry of the existing agreement. This change focuses on the display system (private offer call). I have changed the specific posting procedure and the size of the transfer fee.

In the past, players who posted a goal to advance in the Major League independently negotiated with the major league club that offered the highest amount of transfer fees. However, according to the amendment, a player can freely negotiate for 30 days with all clubs that have indicated his intention to sign with him.

The fees for the KBO Club have also been subdivided. Unlimited transfer fees have been changed to receive a certain percentage based on the size of the contract between the posted player and the MLB club. If the total amount of the athlete's contract is less than $ 25 million, the MLB club will pay 20% of the total amount of the player's guaranteed contract to the KBO club.

If the total value of the guaranteed contract is greater than $ 25 million, less than $ 50 million, 20% for the first $ 25 million plus 17.5% of the amount greater than $ 25 million is paid to KBO FC Of course. In the case of more than $ 50 million, transfer fees for KBO are calculated by adding 20% ​​for the original $ 25 million, 17.5% for $ 25 million to $ 50 million and 15% for more. $ 50 million. .

The badignment period, which ran from November 1 to March 1 of the following year, was shortened from November 1 to December 5 of the following year. The amendment to the Agreement between the Korean and American players is the same as the amendment to the Agreement between the Korean and American players, entered into force on October 31, 2021.

The Association of Professional Baseball Players of Korea welcomed this amendment. "I am satisfied with the amendment of the agreement between the Korean and American players, which has been modified to strengthen the options and contractual terms of the player as well as the leadership of the Korean Players Association and Americans. "

According to the display system, according to the previous display system, only the major league team gets exclusive trading rights with the auction system at the best price and the player contract is executed. "This review allows players to choose a club that is more likely to succeed without being tied to the transfer fee."

The Korea Post Association stated: "The previous posting system was a structure that brought more profit to clubs than to players, with the size of major league club contracts being fixed to a certain extent. In the case of Ryu Hyun-jin (Los Angeles Dodgers), 41% of the total amount of the contract and 51% of Park Byoung-ho's transfer fees are compared to 20% (minimum 15%) of the total contract amount, " This shows that our clubs have taken a lot of transfer fees. "

In addition, KFA said: "With the modification of the agreement between Korean and American players, KBOs and clubs should quickly revise their unfair baseball rules. act very unfair to have more than four seasons reserved for players when clubs receive considerable transfer fees in relation to the size of the players' contract.I urge you to make improvements soon. "

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