KCC Acquires Momentive, an American Silicon Company … "Review of Acquisition Facts" (Full) (Samsung Electronics, Wonik)


Momentive, Silicon World # 1, Quartz World # 2

KCC said on July 31, "We have reviewed various strategic measures, including the acquisition of the company, but we have not made any specific decisions," KCC said in a request Korea Stock Exchange's disclosure of the acquisition of Momentive.
KKC responded to the report that a consortium of Wonik Group, PEF, SJL Partners, etc., is acquiring the business unit of "Momentive Performance Materials & # 39; 39, an American leader in silicon.

According to industry sources, Momentive is a specialty materials company founded by Global PEF management company Apollo Global Management, which acquired GE Advanced Materials in 2006.

It is known to produce electronic materials, elastomers and sealants using materials such as silicon, quartz and ceramics.

Silicon production is the largest in the world and quartz is the world's second largest producer.

KCC produced about 70,000 tonnes of silicon last year, and if it takes control of Momentive, it will become the world's second largest producer of more than 300,000 tonnes a year.

Wonik Group, which is also a partner of Samsung Electronics, produces specialty gases used in semiconductor and quartz fabrication processes and ceramics used in semiconductors by its subsidiaries Wonik Materials and Wonik QNC.

Wonik Group will also become the world's leading quartz and ceramic company when it will be badociated with momentum.

In the industry, KCC and Wonik Group are expected to buy Momentive, which is the second half of the 2,000 billion KRW, with SJL Partners.

The investment ratio is KCC 45%, Won 5%, SJL It is said that partners are at 50%.

The KCC consortium is in controversy with other acquisitions, and it is expected that the findings will be reached by the end of next month at the earliest.

The consortium should separate silicon activity from quartz and ceramic activity after the acquisition of Momentiv.

KCC said: "We will re-announce the details of the acquisition in the future or in a month."

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(Seoul = Yonhap News)

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