Kia Motors is recruiting 'Red Clover & # 39;


  Kia Motors participates in social contribution activities for Red Clover 3
<기아차 대학생 참여형 사회공헌활동 레드클로버 3기 참가자 모집.>

Kia Motors will recruit 3 Red Clover participants to participate in social contribution activities via the social contribution homepage for 3 weeks of 13 to August 6

"Red Clover", which began in 2016, is an activity that aims to direct social messages to the public by planning and executing social contribution activities with innovative ideas and ideas. # 39; university students.

Existing activities are standardized

These three activities are aimed at people with disabilities, children, pregnant women and others involved in improving the rights of migrants, a program that encourages students to initiate ideas, plan and execute ideas on social issues. In addition, we have expanded our activities to include escalators, strollers, bicycles and other means of transportation.

Kia Motors will organize orientation and planning camps for the next month to improve the understanding of the participants of the 3rd edition of red clover, and from September, with the help of Specialists in Social Contribution Activities

At the end of the activity, students of the 'Red Clover & # 39; participated in a social performance on the theme of awareness of the disadvantages of traffic in densely populated areas,

The "Pink Bus Campaign", which was selected as an excellent activity last year, is a Social contribution activity for pregnant women and conveys a message of consideration of the low traffic inside and outside the bus.

Kia Motors Co., "We hope students will have the opportunity to take an interest in the transportation and rights of our society through creative ideas and student enthusiasm." Kia Motors will continue to perform social contribution activities with students in the future.

Park Tae-jun, a professional automotive journalist [email protected]

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