Kim Bum-gum pointed out that those who have depreciated the protests of the Hye Hwa station saying that they are "…"


Kim Bum-keum, Minister of Public Administration and Security, reflected on the protest in the aftermath of the demonstration in Hyehwa Station, where 60,000 people gathered.

Minister Kim said, "I portrayed myself as a cry of women who realized that the state does not protect women," said the "uncomfortable courage", including myself in the countries that do not protect women. "

On the 15th of last month, he said," I will not let myself go if I am caught in a daze. Kim said, "I will promise the police to arrest the police, arrest the police, arrest the police and trace the distribution network," said Kim. "

Then Minister Kim said," There is something more important than that. "Our society should listen to the crying of women."

Kim said, "I am worried" about the press, which criticizes the Hyehwa Station protest as "a manifestation of hatred".


Minister Kim said," We should have a sympathetic and compbadionate attitude, "he said," and even more so for men. "

The following is a specialization.


& # 39; Republican & # 39;

Women gathered at Hyehwa Station yesterday.

The third gathering was more important. I heard that the atmosphere was getting hotter and the order was more orderly. Above all, the contact with the chest is that the "uncomfortable" side has defined his demonstration like this.

The management of public toilets is one of the unique tasks of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, one of the unique tasks of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The Police Agency, which has been designated as a party to the police investigation, Therefore, I am also involved in a country that does not protect women, as said the "uncomfortable courage".

Again, the police will do their best to follow the organization, stop the illegals, stop them, trace the distribution channels. The owners of private companies also said that they would cooperate with the crackdown. I've heard my fellow legislators that will and legislation will come soon. I will demonstrate by practicing that this is not "show". to show. Whatever happens, the government will propose measures and solve them.

But there is something else to do. Our society must listen to the cries of women. I have to listen seriously and seriously. You must understand and sympathize. This should be even more true for men. But there is something disturbing.

After the third rally yesterday, some media saw such stigma. This is not a male abomination, it is a criticism of the government … No, it is the other side. The government of Moon Jaein is a government established by citizens by candlelight. Do not let the "democratic citizen" and the candle-burning government disbadociate. On the contrary, the press should leave the voice of the woman as it is.

Both women and men, we are citizens of the Democratic Republic. It is only when the citizen hears the cries of other citizens, and when he sympathizes and cooperates with his pain. The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic.

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