Kim Byeong-joon, "Government Condemnation, Disclosure of Food Costs,


[Seoul-NewSea] Jung Yoon-ae, journalist Kim Byung-joon, chairman of the Independent Committee for Innovation in Korea, strongly criticized the recent announcement by the government of cost-sharing policy in some areas.

President Kim held a meeting on innovation and non-compliance at the National Assembly this morning, saying: "There have been criticisms in the market because the government has announced that He would release franchise fees and food. "

He also stressed: "The government also regulates food (shows that show eating)," he said. "We are not stupid people, but how to regulate food?"

President Kim said: "It is a nationalist culture itself to establish guidelines." It is not limited to the government, but it is a tradition that has fallen since a long time.

He said, "How much we have lived so deep in the world that we are regulating the food market and opening up the cost."

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