Kim Byeong-joon "We regulate food, but the document is not just a crisis management manual"


  The meeting of the Korean Committee of Emergency Measures was held at the National Assembly Bureau on the morning of the 30th. Kim Byung-joon, chair of the committee, goes to the meeting room. From the first row on the left, Bae Hyunjin spokeswoman Kim Byung-joon and Seok Ki Kim.

The free meeting of the Korean Committee of Countermeasures of Emergency was held at the National Assembly Office on the morning of the 30th. Kim Byung-joon, Chairman of the Committee, surrendered in the meeting room. From the first row on the left, Bae Hyunjin spokeswoman Kim Byung-joon and Seok Ki Kim.

Kim Byung-joon, chairman of Korea's Emerging Emergency Management Board, criticized the disclosure of franchising costs and the regulation of food as "a nationalist culture." Kim said, "We are not really stupid people, but how are we going to regulate food and set guidelines?

President Kim said, "If (nationalist) culture is old and deeply lived, will it accept criticism of food regulation and the dispute over costs critically and critically? It's a tradition that has come down for a long time, but now we have to get rid of it. "

Kim, who was elected top of the National Committee of the Republic of Korea on October 17, is now in full swing to see more critics of the government's public policy regarding bad policy or direction." Kim said : "We have been involved in politics for about a week, and this week we have a lot of problems hanging around and we are going to work hard."

After meeting with reporters, Kim said, "I think the hunt is going on. State and the conspiracy of civil war are an excessive interpretation "It's more like a crisis management manual." Kim said: "But the prospect was bad, and there was an unreasonable plan to disable the 39 National Assembly in detail, "he said.

On the other hand, the general secretary of Kim Dae-joon, who joined the subcommittee Kim Byung-joon, resigned from his position as ambbadador. As soon as Kim Dae-jung was elected as an unelected candidate on July 24, Kim was on the list of candidates for the Democratic Party's cut-off, drunken driving, Kim said, "I knew that I was in the middle of the day. there was something uncomfortable in the fact that I did not know what it was, I understood it because I listen to the voice of an owner of small business.

  Kim Byung-joon, president of the Korean Emergency Management Association (KAI), takes a commemorative photo with his appointment to Kim Dae-joon, the first emergency committee in the world. innovation at the National Assembly on October 25th. [연합뉴스]

Kim Byung-joon, President of the National Emergency Management Committee of the Republic of Korea (left), gives a commemorative photo to Kim Dae-jun, [연합뉴스]

At the meeting, President Kim said: "It's a sad case, and there are unfortunate things you think," said Kim in an interview with Kim Dae-joon, I want to tell you exactly how I feel about my position. "

Kim said," There is no such thing, "when Kim met with reporters after the meeting and observed that Kim's resignation could cause the crew to cringe. Kim said, "We need to include such voices because the issue of small business owners and the problem of small and medium-sized self-employed people are so serious and people are suffering." He added, "We will receive recommendations additional non-members.
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