Kim Byung-joon, Deputy Secretary General, Kim Yong Tae, Secretary General,


[아이뉴스24 전종호 기자] Kim Byung – joon, Chairman of the Korean Committee on Industrial Relations and Emergency Management, appointed Kim Sun – dong, re – elected MP, Kim Young – Tae, Kim Seong –

The President Kim held a press conference at the National Assembly's representative office this afternoon and said: "

Kim said," Kim thinks almost the same with me, "said Kim Yong -seok. "For example, I think the big contradiction in Korean politics is the direction of the state, populism and hegemony, and Kim has almost the same idea as me.

Kim Byung-joon, president of BiHDC, sits at the press conference announcing the opening ceremony of the Korean Emergency Management Committee in Yeouido, Seoul, in the afternoon of 19. From left to right, General Secretary Kim Yong Tae, President Kim, Chief of the Chief's Office, Hong Chul Ho. [출처=뉴시스 제공]

With regard to the appointment of the chief of staff, Hong, Cheol-Ho, he said: "Hong has been the company's CEO and has excellent coordination and practical ability."

Kim added that Kim Sun-dong had been appointed to head the Yeouido Research Institute , a think tank for the party, saying, "I have not had a long relationship with me," I have talked a lot about party reform and I have confirmed that had a similar idea with him. " He said: "I would like to work with the Korean Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) in close cooperation with the Political Bureau.

Yoon Young-seok, Senior Spokesperson, said:" I was recently appointed, and I was doing my job well, so I asked for a long time.

Kim Yongtae, the new secretary general, said, "We will do our best to achieve the desired results because the party is in an emergency situation ", and said:" We will do everything possible to restore people's trust. "

Hong Chul-ho, the new deputy head of the office, said:" It seems that the president should hold the president, not only in the garden but also outside the country, Kim Sun-dong, Yeouido's research director, said: "I think the role of Yeouido Researcher is very important in the situation where the party is in a situation it is extraordinary at any time. "" Building the first party of opposition with political parties for the middle clbad and the middle clbad "

Yoon Young-suk, spokesperson, said:" For the development of Korean politics, [ad_2]
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