Kim Byung-joon "Moon Jae-in" government "nationalist bill"


Kim Byung-joon, inaugural meeting of the President of the Republic of Korea

Kim Byung-joon, chairman of the Korean National Committee for Innovation and Emergency Measures, held her first conference press after the inauguration of the National Assembly on October 18th.

"If the belief system is totally different or if the political leadership is not shared at all, the road may be different."

Kim Byeong-joon, president of the Korean Emergency Management Agency, The first press conference was held and the standard of human settlement within the party was defined as "belief" and "politics". In the past, he expressed his desire to "float" on the basis of the value of the Korean government's reward for rehabilitating, rather than belonging to a certain sect, such as Chung (Park Geun-hye) and Bibak (Non-Park Geun-hye). Kim said, "It will be an badessment of whether or not we can build the values ​​and ideals of the Korean side right now and that we can do it together." This part will be covered by the party system, not me alone.

○ "Nationalism of the phrase government, intervention on the market"

President Kim prescribes the conservative values ​​that the Korean side should pursue as "freedom" and "autonomy".

In addition, President Kim said that 13 members of the Democratic Party and members of the right-wing party should take the initiative. The recent revision of the special law on safety of food and child safety has been taken as an example of nationalism. "This law prohibits the sale of caffeinated beverages in vending machines in primary, intermediate and secondary schools, and the state must enter this part," he said. He said, "If it was like participatory government, I would have vetoed the bill if I was the head of politics."

Moon Jae-in's government criticized Roh Moo- On this day, President Kim pointed out that Yeouido Researcher, which is a think-tank, is important in establishing the new value of the party. Kim is considered a major figure of the opposition party and is responsible for the defeat of the election. After Kim's press conference, Kim handed out his press release and expressed his gratitude that he tried to leave immediately after the election, but he decided to leave after a practical knot, saying : "

○" He said: "I would never have thought that I would have the right to vote in the 2020 general election," he said, "but I have the power to replace the party president ". It is clear that he will exert influence on the current party president, as well as on the current president and the party chairman outside the party.

The composition of non-members is expected to be a "nine-member system" or "eleven member system", with one or two members of the first and second re-election, President Kim said, "We need to get some time to get results. "We have to spend at least this year," he said.

After the end of the abduction system, President Kim said, "I must end up outsider." However, he said, "I do not know if I will be able to influence politics in general if I finish successfully."

○ Explanation of "Invitation not to entertain the guests" in the controversy on golf hospitality

Kim spoke of the controversy that he was violated on the illegal appeal "It was not an invitation," he said, saying: "The representative of Kangwon Land, who organized the contest, said:" It is within the framework of not exceeding the law (golf fees, etc.). "Kim Seong-tae, chairman of the ruling party, said:" I doubt that such reports had to come out yesterday (17 July). "

On the other hand, the party leader also criticized the fact that President Kim spoke of Roh Moo-hyun's spirit. Kim Jong-il, a Democrat from the Democratic Party, criticized Kim saying, "Do not put Roh Moo-hyun in his mouth." Kim said, "It's a distortion of Roh's spirit. Moo-hyun. Here too, Korea and Korea. "" It's not right to refer to Roh Moo-hyun's mind, "he said," by reforming the party. "[19659005] Regards, [email protected], senior reporter

Kim Byung-jun "Moon Jae-in" Government "Nationalist Bill" Roh Moo-hyun rejects the former president " Best recommendations news

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