Kim Dong-yeon, Inheritance Tax and Petroleum Tax Reduction – Virtual Currency · Google Tax Review (Full)


Minister of Economy Kim Dong-yeon, Minister of Finance and Economy, announced yesterday that he will continue his discussions with the Cheong Wa Dae government and the ministries to reduce tariffs. oil during the audit of the Ministry of Planning and Budget at the Yeouido National Assembly. [뉴시스 제공]
[세종=이데일리 최훈길 조진영 기자] The government will consider reducing the inheritance tax burden for SMEs and temporarily reducing the tax on oil. We are looking for active measures to introduce the taxation of the virtual currency (cryptographic currency) and the Google tax (digital tax).

◇ "Succession Tax Difficulties Imposed on Small and Medium Enterprises, Prospective Review"

Kim Dong-yeon, Minister of Finance and Economy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, made this statement on the 19th, from 10 am to 7 pm, about the audit of the budget of the Committee on Planning and Finance held in the National Assembly. Indeed, it is necessary to reduce the tax burden of SMEs and citizens and to examine the new tax base such as the taxation of virtual money. The Google tax can also help fight against discrimination against domestic companies.

Regarding death duties, Kim said, "SMEs face many inheritance (tax) difficulties," Kim said. Since January of this year, inheritance taxes have been strengthened by the revision of the law on inheritance and gift taxes. At present, the inheritance tax deduction is 20 billion won for 10 years, 30 billion won for 20 years and 50 billion won for 30 years. Tax law has been strengthened because the period of starting a business from this year is longer than last year.

Yoon Young-seok, a member of the Free Korean National Party, urged the country to lower death duties, saying "the highest inheritance tax rate in Korea is second only to Japan" and that "I have met many desperate small and medium entrepreneurs in the process of estate estate accumulated for life". Kim said: "I will look carefully at all of the estate tax (reorganization), but I will also review the legislator's statements on the estates of SME-related businesses."

Kim has expressed the possibility of reducing the petroleum tax by more than 10%. Kim said, "A member of the Democratic Party of Peace, Yoo Sung-yop, said," It is not enough to reduce the tax on oil by 10%. "Regarding the plan to reduce the rate At 30 percent, Kim said, "The OECD countries also have very high oil taxes. "If you reduce the 10%, you will have a tax burden of 2.60 billion won (one year) reduced in one year."

At a press conference held in Bali, Indonesia, on December 13, Kim said finance ministers from 20 major countries (G20) met and said, "We have decided to cut temporarily the tax on oil. " The time limit, duration and level have not been confirmed. According to Kim Dae-jung, the provisional precedent of Lee Myung-bak's government and the law on transport tax, energy and the environment (article 2), a plan is being 30% maximum for 2 to 10 months.

The government will hold a ministerial meeting on the economy on the morning of July 24 and will announce "recent trends in employment and the economy and (provisional) economic responses," including the temporary reduction oil taxes. Taking into account the legislative notification of the ordinance of execution and the procedure of Cabinet decision, the tax on fuels on gasoline, diesel and butane LPG will be lowered from the month next.

The average price of gasoline is steadily increasing. The average for 2015 ~ 2017 is based on the second week of October this year. Unit = won / ℓ.[출처=한국석유공사 오피넷]

◇ "Virtual Tax Survey on Currency Taxes – Google will create three TF"Deputy Prime Minister Kim announced that he would examine the taxation of virtual currency. "We have done a lot of research and badysis on taxation," Kim said. We are adjusting the pace together to align the general direction of the virtual currency with that of the Office of National Security. "At present, the Office of the State Planning and Coordination Department, the Financial Services Commission and the Ministry of Justice are debating whether to define virtual currency, taxation and authorize international product organizations.

"The two-month investigation, centered on the Financial Services Commission, will take place on October 10. The results will be known in October, I think to form it." Kim said, "It is clear that the government is willing to promote the blockchain, "he said. "I am very proactive about ICO."

Google is also in full swing. An intervention team should be trained on the tax mistakes of foreign companies, including Google. Kim replied that Park Young-sun, a Democrat from the Democratic Party, had said, "I have to create a working group (TF) and arrange it quickly with regard to Google tax." Kim insisted on the need to take action, saying that "the Google tax (digital tax) is necessary to guarantee the rights of taxpayers".

According to the report of the State Tax Service on the status of foreign companies' tax return for foreign companies between 2013 and 2017, 4638 (45.7%) of the 10,152 foreign companies in total did not collect any tax on companies last year. It went from 49.9% in 2013 to 45.7% last year, but one of the two companies still did not pay corporate taxes. Google, which generates around 5,000 trillion won in sales in Korea, charges less than 20 billion won (see October 18, 2007).

This is explained by the fact that the Korean corporate tax is perceived as "head office" rather than "source of revenue". Kim said: "There is a problem of corporate taxation (blind spot) due to the fact that the computer server of foreign nationals (company) is abroad while providing services on the internal market. " The EU (EU) Internet companies that earn more than 10,000 euros). The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) is under discussion and we are also actively discussing it. "I will ask the Tax Office and the National Tax Service to badyze it."

Since 2015, the amount of taxes to be paid by the state is decreasing. The reorganization of the government can change the state tax. Basis of payment. Unit = 100 million won.[출처=기획재정부, 그래픽=이데일리 이미나 기자]

& # 39; 4 cans are worth 10,000 won & # 39;Shochu and beer can be rearranged. Kim said: "We will begin a full review of the quantity tax issue for all consumers, as well as beer," said Kim.

There is currently an ad valorem tax rate proportional to the price of beer. The prices that make up the tax base (tax standard) are different, so the prices of foreign beer are supposed to be cheaper than those on the domestic market. As a result, it is possible to reduce imported beer by 10 000 won for 4 cans.

However, the domestic beer industry is demanding a change in the amount of exports, which is based on "the domestic price of beer is lagging behind the price competitiveness because of higher taxes". The domestic industry is a competition for obi beer. The tax on volume is a method of calculating tax rates based on weight, volume, concentration and the number of taxable items. In this case, the prices of imported beer could increase because the domestic beer and the imported beer are all converted into a structure with a tax per liter. Kim said: "The national beer costs about 1,200 won per liter, but when we introduce the tax on the total amount, the tax rises to about 350 won." But the draft beer is about 60 percent higher than the tax, "he said." We are deeply concerned about the meaning of draft beer for the public and its price ".

"OB beer is the Brazilian capital and the company is the world capital of beer." He also pointed out that a controversy over the preferential treatment of foreign capital is also under consideration when reforming the tax rate. "We have to consider whether we can continue to eat four cans of beer at 10,000 won and why we should not raise the price of soju," he said.

Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, witnessed an inspection of the Administrative Security Committee of the National Assembly in Gyeonggi Province, which was held at the Gyeonggi Province office in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province on the 19th.[뉴스1 제공]

◇ "Lee Jae-myeong land tax, a thorough examination is necessary"Kim expressed a cautious stance on the introduction of the national reserve tax. Kim said: "There are many concepts in the property tax law.It is the property tax on the landlord of the head teacher and the head of the local governments. mokwha, it is necessary to carefully consider the reasons ". An official of the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport said: "The magnitude of the scale is unimaginable" about the property tax in the currency. Lee Jae-Myung has already claimed the property tax in the race for the Democratic presidency. The main argument is to strengthen property taxation and pay a basic income with this fund. The governor met with Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-chan on November 11, declaring: "We will entrust the order with the choice to introduce it selectively in order to make it a reality, because it can be tedious to apply it at the national level ".

Kim has also taken a cautious approach to tax cuts on real estate transactions, such as payroll taxes and registration taxes. The Democratic Party legislator Gwon Won-won said: "We should be careful to reduce the transaction tax because this could be a bad signal to stabilize the real estate." "It seems that the transaction tax should be considered a long-term task," Kim said.

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