[Séoul-Newsweek] Lee, Chang-Hong Reporter = Kim Doo-Kwan The Democrat MP said on the 14th: "ordinary people will run to make alcohol replacement a mainstream".
Kim says: "Kim Doo-gwan, a dialogue with the future" at KINTEX in Ilsan, said: "Through the vigor of the candle, the only people who want to change society, I'll go" He said: "Ordinary people, such as laborers, farmers, housewives and students, have not become dominant until here." create a society where everyone lives well together, we need policies that will lead to a high level of social consensus. "
The day of the event, Byeong-seok Park, Won Hye Young, Yeong Park -sunn, Min Byung Ji, Jae-Hyeong Bae, Jae Hyun Baek, Yoon Seung Hee, Jung Seung Hee, Yun Ho Joong, Kwang-Won Park, About 10,000 people attended, including 30 members of parliament, including Lee Hyun -hee, Youngjin Lee, Lee Chul-hee, Lee Hoon, Jun Yun-ho,, n, t, s) {
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