Kim Eun-jung, a new collection of sunglasses.


The Women's Curling Team Calls for the Seventh Wedding … The Groom is a Skate Coach Working in Taegu
& # 39; Team Kim & # 39; sings songs …

Kim Eun-jung (last line) of the women's curling team who won the silver medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang celebrated his 100th birthday on August 7th. Kim Eun-jung is laughing with Kim Young-mi Kim Kim-young Kim Cho-hee Kim Kyung-ae (clockwise downstairs left) teammates in the wedding hall from Daegu Art Museum to Daegu. Photo by stseventgo Instastagram

"I would have liked to be able to see you together .I would like to be able to dream together …"

In the wedding hall of the Daegu Art Museum, Suseong -gu, Daegu, the song of the singer Suwoo "I Wish" sounds. It was a song to celebrate the wedding of Kim Eun-jung (28), who claims to be the best star of the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Kim Kim, Kim Sun Young, Kim Kyung Ae and Kim Chohee were called by [Team Kim].

The groom is an aunt who has been in business for five years and is known to work as a skate coach at a sports center in Daegu. Kim Eun-jung, who has attracted the attention of fans with a great bow that he showed every time he won with the voice of his teammate, "Young – Mi Mi ~", was also famous for his expressionless faces and his glbades. So the nickname was "Senior Eyewear". But I did not wear glbades on the day of the wedding.

At the wedding ceremony, Kim Eun-jung's father gave a lecture such as "Live happier than money". The members of "Team Kim & # 39; also went out. The five members were Kim, nicknamed Team Kim. Four of them came from Gyeongbuk Province and were sisters and friends. He also received nicknames such as "Garlic Girls". for garlic, which is a special product of wisdom, and "Cullens" (Curling + Avengers) & # 39 ;.

& # 39; Team Kim & # 39; is a national team after the Olympics

'Kim Team' is a member of the national team after the Olympics. He competed in the World Women's Curling Championship and is ranked 5th. Kim Eun-jung was also the last lighter with Seo Seok Seok in the wheelchair curling section at the Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang. Kim Eun-jung joined the Ice Bucket Challenge, a campaign to help patients with Lou Gehrig's disease, late last month. The most representative figure skater who participated in the campaign named Kim Eun Jung as the next participant and Kim Eun Jung accepted.

Kim Eun-jung, who spent her honeymoon in Italy, is known for organizing a honeymoon in Daegu. I will be back from my honeymoon and plan to participate in the World Curling Tour which will take place at the Kyungbuk Curling Training Center on May 25th and 28th with my colleagues from Korea Korea Junior Curling Camp. There will also be a preparation for representative national talks in August-September.

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