Kim Gyu-eun, Jang Kwan-chan, Cho Dae-chee, the team of Korean figurines Now & # 39; No & # 39;


Kim Kyu-eun (19) and Gang Gang-chan (23), who took the first Olympic stage as a figure skating player at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, were disbanded.

Gang Jang-chan said in an interview on the 1st day last that "Gang Jang-chan sent a message to the Federation for stopping figure skating in mid-June." been so happy and happy memories for a year and a half.we lost blood, sweat and tears while waiting, but i have no regrets. "" i am so proud that i have not not abandoned even though I'm tired. "

" The story of quasi-emphasis (Kim Gyu-eun, the nickname of Gang Jang-eun) is here, but I believe we can succeed whatever we "

Kim Gyu-eun and Gang Gan-chan were automatically eligible to participate in the host country, becoming the first national fair play player to enter the Olympic arena. In the midst of the absence of a pair of teams, the Korean figure added strength to participate in all events for the first time in history.

During the Olympics, they were attracted by the friendship between North Korea Jaejae Jae and Kim Joo-sik Joe

Kim Gyu-eun, the only senior fair team in Korea, [19659003] [email protected]

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