Kim Ji-eun said, "Ahn Hee-jung, I can sleep with any woman."


  Ahn Hee-jung, former governor of Chungnam Province, accused of badual badault on the execution secretary, participates in the 6th trial in Mapo-gu District Court, Seoul. [뉴스1]

Ahn Hee-jung, former governor of Chungnam Province, accused of badual badault by the executive secretary, participates in the 6th trial in the West District Court in Mapo-gu, Seoul, Kim Ji-eun, former secretary Kim Ji-eun, who claims to have been badually badaulted by a former governor of Chungnam, said: "The essence of this case is that the defendant ignored my intentions and l & rsquo; badd using power, and the other powers will be monsters. "

Kim stated that he had attended the trial on the judgment on the allegations of forced and compulsory extortion by the police. # 39; adultery of the executive branch,

Kim said: "The governor of Ahn knows his power better than anyone else.I used my position to exploit the bad of a weak person. and destroy my soul. "(Governor) said," I can sleep with any woman. "It's a bad adie of prince. "

Kim spoke of the suffering he suffered after the unauthorized exposure in March of this court." I had the impression of dying as canned food after have filed a complaint. I had to think about the nightmare and keep the memory, "he said. I was troubled by the claims of the accused and those who came to court for him. "

He said:" I regretted my own regrets. I went to the Han River at night to jump, "but" I am the only proof that I thought the accused would run faster when I disappeared. I thought that doing my best until the end was the way to put everything in place, and I tried to survive. "

Kim also refers to the lawsuit and says," I saw a lawyer with a tongue in the shoulder that I could not understand my personal story.I wanted to die when I had heard of Jeongjo, "he said," I led myself to my first nickname, "my wife secretary." I never felt rational feelings (to the governor). "

said, "If I did not pull it out, I would be able to do it in a relationship with power." "I was afraid I could not go anywhere if I was stigmatized by the governor. "You can not get a job in a political circle where reputation is important," he said.

Kim said, "The most difficult thing was the duality of the governor," he said, "I talked about gender democracy on the outside, but tired of meeting supporters. It looked like a monster in the governor's office, which was politically decorated with a decorated image. "

" I am not the only victim. Note There are people who hide and live. I am only one of the people of the first rank. "I want to tell the accused. Your actions are crimes. This is wrong and should be punished. "

He told the court," If you can not properly punish this case, the defendant and other powers will become monsters. "I do not have a job or a job. Where to go … it's my hope that I can correct the wrong thing. "

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