Kim Ji-ha, declaring … At the end of the 50th anniversary celebration


Poetry & # 39; White Shade & # 39; · Prosebook & # 39; Space Biology & # 39; Posted

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[아시아경제 노태영 기자] Kim Ji-ha (77) poet exports. The author of the book published a book titled "White Shade" and a prose book "Space Biology" published in the press release "Kim said that it is the last book to be published in his life. " The current poet Kim said to his poetry," It's the last poetry / does not correct / lasts five lines "is worn by my wife" / ends on the other hand / Now I have a childhood /

It debuted in 1969 as the City of Yellow Ravine.It was a symbol of democracy that withstood the dictatorship of the Yusin dynasty and was attracted attention as a representative writer of the national literary camp. In 1970, he was arrested as "Five Pirates." He was sentenced to death in 1974 for allegedly manipulating the case of the Sanghak Academy. "Rising thirst" is his masterpiece. Since the 1980s, he has devoted himself to establishing the idea of ​​life in the aftermath of the war.

Kim received the Manhae Literary Award, Lotus Special Prize from the Association of African Artists of Asia,.

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