"Kim Jung-eun wrote in 6 billion luxury items on a budget of 7 in North Korea" :: Daily Economic News


The National Intelligence Service said on December 31 that North Korea was spending about W 600 billion on its annual budget for the purchase of cars, furs and alcohol. In addition, representatives of the Democratic Party Kim Min-ki and the Liberal Democratic Party Lee Eun-jae said at a press conference that the National Intelligence Service had reported on the audit of the 39; National Assembly on the commission of information of the National Assembly held in the NIS in the National Assembly. The director of NIS, Seo Hoon, said during the state inspection the day that "the budget of North Korea is about 7 trillion won a year, of which about 5,000 billion are appropriate for luxury goods ". , Fur, alcohol, etc.

The NIS also said that it appears that North Korea is preparing to prepare for the visit of an outside observer at the Pukyung nuclear test site.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are scheduled to meet today (Wednesday).

According to these lawmakers, the National Intelligence Service said: "It seems like the NIS is building a hotel and is repairing the hotel's ramp, including the inspection hall."

"The NIS is closely monitoring nuclear and missile facilities, including the 5 megawatt Yongbyon reactor, thinking of the possibility of North Korean action," he said.

On the same day, the South-North and South-North Asian propaganda media of North Korea insisted that the May 24 measures would be "legal and institutional arrangements preventing the improvement of inter-Korean relations" and that they should be lifted. The South Korean government should preemptively enforce the 5/24 measures by stating that "we can not expect a smooth development as long as there will be obstacles" between the Korean nationals, the propaganda media of the North Korean government under the Pyongyang Committee for Peace and Reunification A urged.

It is interpreted as a dimension designed to promote public opinion on the resumption of inter-Korean economic cooperation, as well as on the lifting of measures taken in the South and the South. However, the government maintains that it can not review the release of the measures of May 24 without the excuses of the North Korean authorities responsible for the Cheonan incident and without the promise to prevent that from happening again.

The Ministry of Unification announced that it would hold a meeting with the Ministry of Physical Education to discuss the 2020 Olympic Games in 2020 and the Summer Olympics of 2032. The Ministry of Unification explained that the North had sent a letter of recommendation for the 30-day talks and announced its intention to accept it.

Within the government, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the No Tae River will be represented as the principal representative. Lee Joo-tae, director of exchanges and cooperation of the Ministry of Song Hye-jin unification, To the north, the wounded sportsman Wen Gyu – gu leads to the delegation. The two Koreas agreed to hold a cabinet meeting in October at the high-level talks.

[김성훈 기자 / 김정범 기자][ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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