Kim Yoon-ah, the claim of the administration to steal … My words were written in the book without my knowledge


[매일경제 스타투데이 이우주 인턴기자]

Kim Yoon-a of the group claimed that an publishing house stole her words without permission.

On the 20th of her twitter, on the 20th, Kim stated, "I did not know that my words had become plaintiffs for sales." I asked the other musician who had presented the lyrics of the book, and he said that he did not know … I do not know what I'm talking about.I think I wrote my own manuscript, and I write to see if there are any fans who the buy. "

One publisher insisted that he was using his words in books without consent.

In another article, "The name of the author is also included in the introduction".

Kim Yoona captured the name, the introduction and the introduction of the author of the book with the article.

In the legend, the introduction of the authors is written by Kim Yoon – ah. The brief biography of Kim Yoon – ah is also described.

Kim Yoon-a said: "I heard that the publishing company was discussing the use of copyright with the Korea Music Copyright Association." "Do you entrust the copyright on lyrics to the Korea Music Copyright Association?" I think the problem is part of the writer and the "lyricist". "

The book mentioned by Kim Yoon-a is a young wedding designed to read poetry in the lyrics of popular songs with the intention of "Let's read a good lyric and read it as a single poem". In addition to Kim Yoon Ah, many famous singers have been included in the author.

The table of contents includes singing song titles, including Kim Yoon-a, and the words "lyricist" quoted by Kim Yoon-a.

"I thought you were participating because I thought you were writing and I wanted to buy it … what is it?", "I'm attached to the lyrics of the lyricist" and of course, I'm so angry if that's true, "" Is not it a serious problem? "

For her part, singer Kim Yoon-a was loved in 1997 with her debut as "HEY HEY HEY", "Springtime continues", "Twenty-five, twenty-one", etc.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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